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ABD 14a7289dc9 Corrected image links 2 年前
CNN Model Added cost and model img 3 年前
Multi Layer Model Added Model image 3 年前
Single Layer Model Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/ABD-01/MNIST into main 3 年前
Triplet Loss Final touch 2 年前
.gitignore Created .gitignore 3 年前
MNIST_Single Layer_Mini-Batches.ipynb Minor Changes 3 年前
README.md Corrected image links 2 年前
t10k-images.idx3-ubyte First Commit, Datasets downloaded 3 年前
t10k-labels.idx1-ubyte First Commit, Datasets downloaded 3 年前
train-images.idx3-ubyte First Commit, Datasets downloaded 3 年前
train-labels.idx1-ubyte First Commit, Datasets downloaded 3 年前