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wangxiaoning d3ebf1e6e0
[AMP OP&Test]add fp16 and bf16 OpTest for index_select (#51159)
.github [tools] Update summary env (#48627) 1年前
cmake [XPU] add increment op. (#51487) 1年前
doc [CodeStyle] trim trailing whitespace in .md and .rst (#45990) 1年前
paddle [AMP OP&Test]add fp16 and bf16 OpTest for index_select (#51159) 1年前
patches patch on gloo/types.h (#50784) 1年前
python [AMP OP&Test]add fp16 and bf16 OpTest for index_select (#51159) 1年前
r [CodeStyle][isort] introduce isort (part4) (#48402) 1年前
security assign cve number to pdsa, test=document_fix (#48846) 1年前
tools remove flags_enable_parallel_graph (#51375) 1年前
.clang-format remove .clang-format in paddle/fluid to use the same config (#43678) 1年前
.cmake-format.py [CodeStyle][black] use black instead of yapf (#46014) 1年前
.dockerignore refine docker build 7 年前
.editorconfig [CodeStyle] init flake8 configs (#45943) 1年前
.flake8 [CodeStyle] fix flake8 cannot find the config on Windows (#51012) 1年前
.gitignore [Paddle Inference ]use python to generate cutlass code (#50603) 1年前
.pre-commit-config.yaml [CodeStyle] fix flake8 cannot find the config on Windows (#51012) 1年前
AUTHORS.md Add author (#50975) 1年前
CMakeLists.txt [xpu] support paddle compile with XFT (#51082) 1年前
CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md Adding a Code of Conduct for Paddle open source project (#7579) 6 年前
CODE_OF_CONDUCT_cn.md change CODE_OF_CONDUCT_cn.md from Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese 6 年前
CONTRIBUTING.md [CodeStyle] trim trailing whitespace in .md and .rst (#45990) 1年前
ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md Revise one word in ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md (#371) 7 年前
LICENSE Fix the grammar in copyright. (#8403) 6 年前
README.md add https://twitter.com/PaddlePaddle_ to README.md (#48227) 1年前
README_cn.md remove Travis CI build status badge from README (#49747) 1年前
RELEASE.md update_release_1.4 5 年前
SECURITY.md fix links (#47243) 1年前
SECURITY_cn.md fix links (#47243) 1年前
pyproject.toml [CodeStyle] update flake8 config (#50458) 1年前
setup.py Enable gpups run on rec model (#51115) 1年前