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ychao_1983 ace243ffc4 Merge pull request 'V20240402' (#5379) from V20240402 into develop 2 周前
.github 更新 '.github/issue_template.md' 9 个月前
assets webIDE 1年前
build Support unicode emojis and remove emojify.js (#11032) 4 年前
cmd 提交代码。 2 个月前
contrib Adding advanced label set. (#11298) 4 年前
custom 增加版本 1 个月前
docker Fix; declare DOMAIN variable for docker setup (#10780) 4 年前
docs 添加 'docs/持续集成操作指南.md' 7 个月前
entity #5100 3 周前
integrations fix bug 2 年前
manager/client 提交代码 2 周前
models fix bug 2 周前
modules Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/V20240402' into V20240129.patch_merge 3 周前
options fix issue 2 周前
public update general task related 1 个月前
routers Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/V20240402' into fix-5217 3 周前
services fix-5359 2 周前
snap Limit snap build architectures (#11346) 4 年前
templates Merge branch 'V20240402' into fix-5359 2 周前
vendor 去掉增加的临时打印 2 个月前
web_src Merge branch 'V20240402' into fix-5359 2 周前
.bra.toml mod vendor via go 1.15 3 年前
.changelog.yml Changelog 1.11.0 (#10204) (#10211) 4 年前
.drone.yml Add test for minio store type on attachments 3 年前
.editorconfig Change tab width for .go files to 4 (#11455) 3 年前
.eslintrc add eslint for vue 3 年前
.gitattributes Rename scripts to build and add revive command as a new build tool command (#10942) 4 年前
.gitignore 忽略配置文件link.js 1年前
.golangci.yml Improve push update options (#10105) 4 年前
.ignore remove promise-polyfill (#9812) 4 年前
.lgtm refactor: ignore LGTM from author of pull request. (#3283) 6 年前
.npmrc add package-lock=true in .npmrc (#9736) 4 年前
.prettierignore fix issue 1年前
.prettierrc.json fix issue 1年前
.revive.toml refactor: replace lint to revive (#5422) 5 年前
.stylelintrc Disallow leading zeroes in Less (#10407) 4 年前
BSDmakefile Add BSDmakefile to prevent errors when `make` is called under FreeBSD (#4446) 5 年前
CHANGELOG.md Frontport Changelog for v1.11.5 (#11356) 4 年前
CONTRIBUTING.md docs: update 'Testing redux' in CONTRIBUTING.md (#11386) 3 年前
DCO follow the advisor: add DCO and some improvements 7 年前
Dockerfile Add gnupg to Dockerfile (#11365) 3 年前
LICENSE Fixed LICENSE and our team 2 年前
MAINTAINERS Update Owners for upcoming year (#9290) 4 年前
Makefile update Makefile 1年前
README.md 更新 'README.md' 3 个月前
README_EN.md feat: update the raw image 3 年前
build.go Add gitea-vet (#10948) 4 年前
go.mod 优化统计时间 3 个月前
go.sum 优化统计时间 3 个月前
go_build_code_gitea_io_gitea ide commit 权限问题 1年前
main.go Fix db null exception while start cron job 3 年前
package-lock.json update merge 10 个月前
package.json fix issue 11 个月前
semantic.json fix issue 2 年前
tsconfig.json fix issue 2 年前
webpack.config.js fix issue 1年前
webpack_pro.config.js update webpack config 1年前
yarn.lock fix issue 9 个月前



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