- #!/usr/bin/env python
- from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
- from dataclasses import asdict
- from pathlib import Path
- from typing import Iterator, List, Literal, Optional, Union
- from ._dataclass import (
- BasicResp,
- CreateRepoOption,
- DatasetFile,
- DatasetInfo,
- FileChunkInfo,
- ModelCreate,
- ModelFile,
- ModelInfo,
- MultipartUrl,
- NewMultipart,
- RepoInfo,
- UserInfo,
- )
- from ._exceptions import (
- DatasetNotFound,
- ModelCreateError,
- ModelNotFoundError,
- RepoExistsError,
- ServerFileExistsError,
- ServerFileNotFoundError,
- UploadError,
- )
- from ._file import file_chunk_by_part, file_chunk_iterator, get_file_size
- from ._session import OpenISession
- from .log import setup_logger
- from .utils import iter_by_step
- logger = setup_logger("info")
- def filter_model_version_file(
- model_files: List[ModelFile],
- ) -> Optional[List[ModelFile]]:
- """
- Filter model version files from a list of model files.
- Args:
- model_files (List[ModelFile]): List of model files
- Returns:
- List[ModelFile]: List of model version files
- """
- filtered = [f for f in model_files if f.FileName != AI_MODEL_VERSION_FILE]
- if not filtered:
- return None
- return filtered
- class OpenIApi:
- R"""
- OpenI API Wrapper Class
- This class provides a client session to the REST API of OpenI AiForge
- Project.
- All API endpoints are implemented as methods of this class. The class
- methods wrap the original API json response in Python dataclass format,
- with tiny changes on some variables names.
- For more information, refer to the official git repo source code:
- - https://openi.pcl.ac.cn/OpenI/aiforge
- Args:
- endpoint (str, optional):
- URL for the OpenI website.
- When not specified, will load from local machine at
- `/home/{usr}/.openi/token.json`
- token (str, optional):
- login user access token obtained by following url:
- - https://openi.pcl.ac.cn/user/settings/applications
- When not specified, will load from local machine at
- `/home/{usr}/.openi/token.json`
- """
- def __init__(
- self,
- token: Optional[str] = None,
- endpoint: Optional[str] = None,
- ):
- self.session = OpenISession()
- self.session.set_basic_auth(token=token, endpoint=endpoint)
- logger.info(f"New OpenIApi Session @{self.session.endpoint}")
- def dev(self, mode: bool = False):
- self.session.dev_mode = mode
- def close(self):
- self.session.close()
- """
- Base API Endpoints
- """
- def get_user_info(self) -> UserInfo:
- """Retrieve user info for currently authenticated user
- Returns:
- UserInfo: UserInfo object containing metadata about current
- login user
- """
- with self.session.get("/user") as resp:
- data = resp.json()
- return UserInfo(**data)
- def get_repo_info(self, repo_id: str) -> RepoInfo:
- """Retrieve repository info for given repo id
- Args:
- repo_id (str): Repository ID in `Username/Reponame` format
- Returns:
- RepoInfo: RepoInfo object containing metadata about given repo id
- """
- with self.session.get(f"/repos/{repo_id}") as resp:
- data = resp.json()
- return RepoInfo(**data)
- def get_repo_access_right(self, repo_id: str) -> str:
- """Retrieve current login user's operation right for a specific
- repository
- Args:
- repo_id (str): Repository ID in `Username/Reponame` format
- Returns:
- RepoPermission:
- access right information wrapped in RepoPermission object,
- containing three attributes: [`write` `read` or `none`]
- """
- with self.session.get(f"/repos/{repo_id}/right") as resp:
- data = resp.json()["right"]
- return data
- def create_repo(self, options: CreateRepoOption) -> RepoInfo:
- with self.session.post(f"/user/repos", json=asdict(options)) as resp:
- data = resp.json()
- if resp.status_code == 409:
- user = self.get_user_info()
- username = user.username
- raise RepoExistsError(f"{username}/{options.name}")
- return RepoInfo(**data)
- """
- Dataset API Endpoints
- """
- def get_dataset_url(self, repo_id: str) -> str:
- """Get dataset url"""
- return f"{self.session.endpoint}/{repo_id}/datasets"
- def get_dataset_info(
- self,
- repo_id: str,
- upload_type: int = 1,
- ) -> Optional[DatasetInfo]:
- params: dict = {"type": upload_type}
- with self.session.get(
- f"/{repo_id}/sdk/get_dataset",
- params=params,
- ) as resp:
- resp_obj = BasicResp(**resp.json())
- if resp_obj.code == -1:
- raise DatasetNotFound(repo_id, self.get_dataset_url(repo_id))
- resp_obj.data["repo_id"] = repo_id
- return DatasetInfo(**resp_obj.data) or None
- def list_dataset_files(
- self,
- repo_id: str,
- upload_type: int = 1,
- ) -> Optional[List[DatasetFile]]:
- dataset_info = self.get_dataset_info(repo_id=repo_id, upload_type=upload_type)
- if dataset_info is None:
- raise DatasetNotFound(repo_id, self.get_dataset_url(repo_id))
- return dataset_info.attachments
- def query_dataset_file(
- self,
- repo_id: str,
- filename: str,
- upload_type: int = 1,
- ) -> Optional[DatasetFile]:
- dataset_files = self.list_dataset_files(
- repo_id=repo_id,
- upload_type=upload_type,
- )
- if dataset_files is None:
- return None
- try:
- return next(f for f in dataset_files if f.name == filename)
- except StopIteration:
- return None
- """
- Model API Endpoints
- """
- def get_repo_models_url(self, repo_id: str) -> str:
- """Get model list url"""
- return f"{self.session.endpoint}/{repo_id}/modelmanage/show_model"
- def get_model_url(self, repo_id: str, model_name: str) -> str:
- """Get model url"""
- return f"{self.session.endpoint}/{repo_id}/modelmanage/model_filelist_tmpl?name={model_name}"
- def create_model(
- self,
- repo_id: str,
- model_name: str,
- upload_type: int = 1,
- engine: int = 0,
- is_private: bool = True,
- description: str = "",
- license: str = "",
- ) -> ModelCreate:
- """Create a new model in a specific repo"""
- with self.session.post(
- f"/repos/{repo_id}/modelmanage/create_local_model",
- params=dict(
- name=model_name,
- type=upload_type,
- engine=engine,
- isPrivate=is_private,
- description=description,
- license=license,
- ),
- ) as resp:
- info = ModelCreate(**resp.json())
- if info.code != "0":
- raise ModelCreateError(model_name, info.msg)
- return info
- def get_model_info(self, repo_id: str, model_name: str) -> Optional[ModelInfo]:
- params: dict = {"name": model_name}
- with self.session.get(
- f"/{repo_id}/sdk/get_model",
- params=params,
- ) as resp:
- resp_obj = BasicResp(**resp.json())
- if resp_obj.code == -1:
- raise ModelNotFoundError(model_name, self.get_repo_models_url(repo_id))
- resp_obj.data["repo_id"] = repo_id
- return ModelInfo(**resp_obj.data) or None
- def list_model_files(
- self,
- repo_id: str,
- model_name: str,
- ) -> Optional[List[ModelFile]]:
- model_info = self.get_model_info(repo_id=repo_id, model_name=model_name)
- if model_info is None:
- raise ModelNotFoundError(repo_id, self.get_repo_models_url(repo_id))
- return filter_model_version_file(model_info.modelFileList)
- def query_model_file(
- self,
- repo_id: str,
- model_name: str,
- filename: str,
- ) -> Optional[ModelFile]:
- model_files = self.list_model_files(repo_id=repo_id, model_name=model_name)
- if model_files is None:
- return None
- try:
- return next(f for f in model_files if f.FileName == filename)
- except StopIteration:
- return None
- """
- Download API Endpoint
- """
- def get_model_file_download_url(
- self,
- repo_id: str,
- model_name: str,
- filename: str,
- ):
- model_file = self.query_model_file(repo_id, model_name, filename)
- if not model_file:
- raise ServerFileNotFoundError(
- f"{repo_id}/{model_name} can not find file {filename}",
- )
- repo_id: str = model_file.repo_id
- model_id: str = model_file.model_id
- filename: str = model_file.FileName
- route = f"/{repo_id}/sdk/download_model_file/{model_id}"
- url = self.session._build_url(route)
- return f"{url}?fileName={filename}"
- def download_file_iterator(
- self,
- src_file: Union[DatasetFile, ModelFile],
- filepath: Union[Path, str],
- chunk_size: int = DOWNLOAD_RATES,
- ) -> Iterator[int]:
- """Download a specific file by filename
- Args:
- src_file (Union[DatasetFile, ModelFile]):
- file object containing metadata of the file
- filepath (Union[Path, str]):
- local file path to be downloaded
- chunk_size (int, optional):
- size of the chunk to download
- """
- if not isinstance(filepath, Path):
- filepath = Path(filepath).absolute()
- if not isinstance(src_file, (DatasetFile, ModelFile)):
- raise ValueError(f"Invalid file type: {type(src_file)}")
- if isinstance(src_file, DatasetFile):
- return self.download_dataset_file_iterator(
- dataset_file=src_file,
- filepath=filepath,
- chunk_size=chunk_size,
- )
- if isinstance(src_file, ModelFile):
- return self.download_model_file_iterator(
- model_file=src_file,
- filepath=filepath,
- chunk_size=chunk_size,
- )
- def download_dataset_file_iterator(
- self,
- dataset_file: DatasetFile,
- filepath: Path,
- chunk_size: int = DOWNLOAD_RATES,
- ) -> Iterator[int]:
- """Download a specific attachment file by uuid
- Args:
- dataset_file (DatasetFile): dataset_file object containing
- metadata of the file
- filepath (Path): local file path to be downloaded
- chunk_size (int, optional): size of the chunk to download,
- defaults to DOWNLOAD_RATES
- """
- if not filepath.exists():
- filepath.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- filepath.touch()
- cache_size = get_file_size(filepath)
- yield cache_size
- if cache_size == dataset_file.size:
- return
- repo_id: str = dataset_file.repo_id
- uuid: str = dataset_file.uuid
- upload_type: int = dataset_file.type
- params: dict = {"type": upload_type}
- headers: dict = {"Range": "bytes=%d-" % cache_size}
- try:
- with self.session.get(
- f"/{repo_id}/sdk/download_dataset_file/{uuid}",
- params=params,
- headers=headers,
- allow_redirects=True,
- stream=True,
- ) as resp:
- with open(filepath, "ab") as f:
- for chunk_data in resp.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size):
- f.write(chunk_data)
- yield len(chunk_data)
- except Exception as e:
- raise e
- def download_model_file_iterator(
- self,
- model_file: ModelFile,
- filepath: Path,
- chunk_size: int = DOWNLOAD_RATES,
- ) -> Iterator[int]:
- """Download a specific model file by filename
- Args:
- model_file (ModelFile): model_file object containing metadata
- of the file
- filepath (Path): local file path to be downloaded
- chunk_size (int, optional): size of the chunk to download
- """
- if not filepath.parent.exists():
- filepath.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- cache_size = get_file_size(filepath) if filepath.exists() else 0
- yield cache_size
- if cache_size == model_file.Size:
- return
- repo_id: str = model_file.repo_id
- model_id: str = model_file.model_id
- filename: str = model_file.FileName
- params: dict = {"fileName": filename}
- headers: dict = {"Range": "bytes=%d-" % cache_size}
- try:
- with self.session.get(
- f"/{repo_id}/sdk/download_model_file/{model_id}",
- params=params,
- headers=headers,
- allow_redirects=True,
- stream=True,
- ) as resp:
- with open(filepath, "ab") as f:
- for chunk_data in resp.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size):
- f.write(chunk_data)
- yield len(chunk_data)
- except Exception as e:
- raise e
- """
- File Upload API Endpoints
- """
- def upload_get_chunks(
- self,
- dataset_or_model_id: str,
- md5: str,
- filename: str,
- upload_type: int,
- size: int,
- upload_mode: Literal["dataset", "model"],
- ) -> FileChunkInfo:
- """Get chunks info for a specific file upload
- Args:
- dataset_or_model_id (str): dataset or model id
- md5 (str): md5 hash of the file
- filename (str): name of the file
- upload_type (int): storage of file; 0 for GPU(minio), 1 for NPU(
- obs)
- upload_mode (str): upload mode; "dataset" or "model"
- Returns:
- FileChunkInfo: FileChunkInfo object containing metadata of the file
- """
- route = UPLOAD_ENDPOINT.get(upload_mode, "") + "/get_chunks"
- id_param = UPLOAD_ID_PARAM.get(upload_mode, None)
- if not route or not id_param:
- raise ValueError(f"Invalid upload_mode: {upload_mode}")
- params = dict(file_name=filename, md5=md5, type=upload_type, size=size)
- params.update({id_param: dataset_or_model_id})
- with self.session.get(
- route,
- params=params,
- ) as resp:
- data = resp.json()
- #
- # if "result_code" in data and data["result_code"] == "-1":
- # raise ValueError(f"Failed to get chunks info: {data['msg']}")
- data.update({"upload_mode": upload_mode})
- data.update({"md5": md5})
- return FileChunkInfo(**data)
- def upload_new_multipart(
- self,
- dataset_or_model_id: str,
- md5: str,
- filename: str,
- filesize: int,
- total_chunks_counts: int,
- upload_type: int,
- upload_mode: Literal["dataset", "model"],
- ) -> NewMultipart:
- """Create a new multipart upload of a specific file
- Args:
- dataset_or_model_id (str): dataset or model id
- md5 (str): md5 hash of the file
- filename (str): name of the file
- filesize (int): size of the file
- total_chunks_counts (int): total chunks count of the file
- upload_type (int): storage of file; 0 for GPU(minio), 1 for NPU(
- obs)
- upload_mode (str): upload mode; "dataset" or "model"
- Returns:
- NewMultipart: NewMultipart object containing metadata of the file
- """
- route = UPLOAD_ENDPOINT.get(upload_mode, "") + "/new_multipart"
- id_param = UPLOAD_ID_PARAM.get(upload_mode, None)
- if not route or not id_param:
- raise ValueError(f"Invalid upload_mode: {upload_mode}")
- params = dict(
- md5=md5,
- file_name=filename,
- size=filesize,
- totalChunkCounts=total_chunks_counts,
- type=upload_type,
- )
- params.update({id_param: dataset_or_model_id})
- with self.session.get(
- route,
- params=params,
- ) as resp:
- data = resp.json()
- return NewMultipart(**data)
- def upload_get_multipart_url(
- self,
- dataset_or_model_id: str,
- uuid: str,
- upload_id: str,
- upload_type: int,
- upload_mode: Literal["dataset", "model"],
- chunk_number: int,
- chunk_size: int,
- filename: Optional[str] = None,
- ) -> MultipartUrl:
- """Get upload url for a specific file_chunk
- Args:
- dataset_or_model_id (str): dataset or model id
- uuid (str): uuid of the file
- upload_id (str): upload id of the file
- upload_type (int): storage of file; 0 for GPU(minio), 1 for NPU(
- obs)
- chunk_number (int): chunk number of the file
- chunk_size (int): size of the chunk
- filename (str): name of the file
- upload_mode (str): upload mode; "dataset" or "model"
- Returns:
- MultipartUrl: MultipartUrl object containing metadata of the file
- """
- route = UPLOAD_ENDPOINT.get(upload_mode, "") + "/get_multipart_url"
- id_param = UPLOAD_ID_PARAM.get(upload_mode, None)
- if not route or not id_param:
- raise ValueError(f"Invalid upload_mode: {upload_mode}")
- params = dict(
- uuid=uuid,
- uploadID=upload_id,
- type=upload_type,
- chunkNumber=chunk_number,
- size=chunk_size,
- )
- if upload_mode == "dataset":
- params.update({f"{id_param}": dataset_or_model_id, "file_name": filename})
- with self.session.get(
- route,
- params=params,
- ) as resp:
- data = dict()
- if resp.status_code == 200:
- data.update({"url": resp.json()["url"]})
- if resp.status_code in [400, 500]:
- data.update({"msg": resp.text})
- return MultipartUrl(**data)
- def upload_complete_multipart(
- self,
- dataset_or_model_id: str,
- upload_mode: Literal["dataset", "model"],
- upload_type: int,
- upload_id: str,
- uuid: str,
- filename: Optional[str] = None,
- filesize: Optional[int] = None,
- ) -> Union[bool, dict]:
- """Complete a multipart upload of a specific file
- Args:
- dataset_or_model_id (str): dataset or model id
- upload_type (int): storage of file; 0 for GPU(minio), 1 for NPU(
- obs)
- upload_id (str): upload id of the file
- uuid (str): uuid of the file
- filename (str): name of the file
- filesize (int): size of the file
- upload_mode (str): upload mode; "dataset" or "model"
- Returns:
- Union[bool, dict]: returns True if upload is successful,
- otherwise False
- """
- route = UPLOAD_ENDPOINT.get(upload_mode, "") + "/complete_multipart"
- id_param = UPLOAD_ID_PARAM.get(upload_mode)
- if not route or not id_param:
- raise ValueError(f"Invalid upload_mode: {upload_mode}")
- params = dict(
- uuid=uuid,
- uploadID=upload_id,
- type=upload_type,
- )
- params.update({id_param: dataset_or_model_id})
- if upload_mode == "dataset":
- params.update(dict(file_name=filename, size=filesize))
- with self.session.post(
- route,
- params=params,
- ) as resp:
- try:
- data = resp.json()
- if "result_code" in data.keys():
- return data["result_code"] == "0"
- except:
- return False
- return False
- def upload_file_iterator(
- self,
- filepath: Union[Path, str],
- dataset_or_model_id: str,
- file_md5: str,
- file_size: int,
- total_chunks_count: int,
- upload_mode: Literal["model", "dataset"],
- upload_name: str,
- upload_type: int,
- chunk_size: int,
- ) -> Iterator[int]:
- """Upload single model file from local to OpenI
- Args:
- Returns:
- Iterator[int]:
- iterator of len(bytes) uploaded, for upload progress
- notification; generally should yield CHUNK_SIZE
- except the last chunk, whose len(bytes) might be <= CHUNK_SIZE.
- """
- # get chunk
- get_chunks = self.upload_get_chunks(
- dataset_or_model_id=dataset_or_model_id,
- md5=file_md5,
- filename=upload_name,
- upload_type=upload_type,
- upload_mode=upload_mode,
- size=file_size,
- )
- if not get_chunks or get_chunks.result_code == -1:
- if get_chunks.msg:
- msg = f"get chunks failed with error {get_chunks.msg}"
- else:
- msg = f"get chunks create failed with unknown error."
- logger.error(msg)
- raise UploadError(msg)
- logger.info(f"`{upload_name}` {get_chunks}")
- # 数据集重复上传
- if get_chunks.uploaded and upload_mode == "dataset":
- if get_chunks.datasetID != "":
- # 已存在
- if get_chunks.dataset_or_model_name != "" and get_chunks.realName != "":
- existing_filename = get_chunks.realName
- existing_repo_id = get_chunks.repo_id
- # existing_dataset = get_chunks.dataset_or_model_name
- logger.warning(f"{upload_name} already uploaded as {existing_filename}")
- raise ServerFileExistsError(
- filename=upload_name,
- existing_repo_id=existing_repo_id,
- existing_filename=existing_filename,
- )
- # 秒传
- if get_chunks.dataset_or_model_name == "" and get_chunks.realName == "":
- yield file_size
- return
- # 模型重复上传
- if get_chunks.uploaded and upload_mode == "model":
- # 已存在
- if get_chunks.dataset_or_model_name != "" and get_chunks.realName != "":
- existing_filename = get_chunks.realName
- existing_repo_id = get_chunks.repo_id
- # existing_dataset = get_chunks.dataset_or_model_name
- logger.warning(f"{upload_name} already uploaded as {existing_filename}")
- raise ServerFileExistsError(
- filename=upload_name,
- existing_repo_id=existing_repo_id,
- existing_filename=existing_filename,
- )
- # new multipart
- if not get_chunks.uuid or not get_chunks.uploadID:
- new_multipart = self.upload_new_multipart(
- dataset_or_model_id=dataset_or_model_id,
- filename=upload_name,
- upload_type=upload_type,
- md5=file_md5,
- filesize=file_size,
- total_chunks_counts=total_chunks_count,
- upload_mode=upload_mode,
- )
- if not new_multipart or new_multipart.result_code == -1:
- if new_multipart.msg:
- msg = f"new multipart failed with error: {new_multipart.msg}"
- else:
- msg = f"new multipart failed with unknown error."
- logger.error(msg)
- raise UploadError(msg)
- get_chunks.uploadID = new_multipart.uploadID
- get_chunks.uuid = new_multipart.uuid
- logger.info(f"`{upload_name}` {new_multipart}")
- etags: List = list()
- start_from_chunk = len(get_chunks.uploaded_chunks) or 1
- yield chunk_size * (start_from_chunk - 1)
- # get multipart url
- # put upload
- for chunk_number, chunk_data in file_chunk_iterator(
- filepath=filepath,
- chunk_size=chunk_size,
- start_from_chunk=start_from_chunk,
- ):
- multipart_url = self.upload_get_multipart_url(
- dataset_or_model_id=dataset_or_model_id,
- chunk_number=chunk_number,
- uuid=get_chunks.uuid,
- upload_id=get_chunks.uploadID,
- upload_mode=upload_mode,
- upload_type=upload_type,
- chunk_size=len(chunk_data),
- filename=upload_name,
- )
- if not multipart_url.url:
- msg = f"get multipart url failed with" f" error {multipart_url.msg}."
- logger.error(msg)
- raise UploadError(msg)
- logger.info(f"`{upload_name}` {multipart_url}")
- etag = self.session.put_upload(
- url=multipart_url.url,
- filedata=chunk_data,
- upload_type=upload_type,
- )
- if not etag:
- raise UploadError("put upload failed")
- yield len(chunk_data)
- etags.append(etag)
- if len(etags) != total_chunks_count - start_from_chunk + 1:
- msg = f"some chunk failed to upload, can not complete upload " f"process."
- logger.error(msg)
- raise UploadError(msg)
- # complete multipart
- complete = self.upload_complete_multipart(
- dataset_or_model_id=dataset_or_model_id,
- upload_mode=upload_mode,
- uuid=get_chunks.uuid,
- upload_id=get_chunks.uploadID,
- filename=upload_name,
- filesize=file_size,
- upload_type=upload_type,
- )
- if not complete:
- msg = f"complete multipart failed with unknown error."
- logger.error(msg)
- raise UploadError(msg)
- logger.info(f"`{upload_name}` complete_multipart: {complete}")
- logger.info("uploading success.")