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demonpinkbin 4d709cb66e | 5 months ago | |
cfg/script | 5 months ago | |
cfg_ver | 5 months ago | |
source | 5 months ago | |
.clang-format | 5 months ago | |
.gitignore | 5 months ago | |
.gitkeep | 5 months ago | | | 5 months ago |
cmake is required to build the project across platforms.
To run encoder, the following command can be used:
To run decoder in Windows, the following commmand can be used:
Documentation of options is provided via the --help
command line option
To run encoder, the following command can be used:
To run decoder in Windows, the following commmand can be used:
Documentation of options is provided via the --help
command line option
All command line parameters may be specified in a configuration file.
A set of configuration file templates compliant with the current Common Test Conditions
is provided in the cfg/directory.
To generate the configuration files, run the
avs-pcc-pcrm/cfg/script$ python ./
If the user wants to enable multiAttribute coding, then can be in the code\source\lib\common\TComVector.h, set the MULTI_ATTRIBUTE is 1,
then will use the multiAttribute coding function. Otherwise, the MULTI_ATTRIBUTE default is zero.
geom_only_flag : 0 # geometry-only coding mode
ascii_write_flag : 1 # recon ply write mode. 1: ascii, 0: binary
geom_quant_step : 1 # geometry quantization step (>0)
attr_quant_step : 1 # attribute quantization step (>0, integer)
color_transform_flag : 1 # apply color transform method. 1: on, 0: off
geom_remove_dup_flag : 1 # manipulating duplicate points. 1: remove, 0: keep
geom_quant_ste : 16 # geometry quantization step
geom_im_qtbt_k : 0 # max num of OT before implicit QTBT
geom_im_qtbt_m : 0 # min size of implicit QTBT
attr_quant_param : 48 # attribute quantization Parameter
metrics_enable : 1 # calculate metrics flag. 1: on, 0: off
symmetry : 1 # if calculate symmetry metrics
cal_color : 1 # if calculate color metrics. 1: on, 0 : off
cal_reflectance : 1 # if calculate reflectance metrics. 1: on, 0 : off
duplicate_mode : 1 # process duplicated points. 1: average 0 : no process
multineighbour_mode : 1 # process same distance neighbours. 1: average 0 : no process
show_hausdorff : 1 # if show hausdorff and hausdorffPSNR. 1: on, 0: off
peakvalue : 2047 # peak value of Geometry PSNR(default = 0)
ascii_write_flag : 1 # recon ply write mode. 1: ascii, 0: binary
transform_color : 0 # apply color transfor. 1: yes 2: no
Note that:
When PCRM is supposed to encode/decode multi-frames, the file name of input ply for encoder and bitstream file for decoder should be set in the following format
input : basename_input + start_number + ".ply"
In order to facilitate getting the file number, the last character of the basename_input should not be the number among '0'~'9'.
Moreover, the only requirement is that the start_number should be the first frame number wanted to be encoded or decoded.
For each sequence, only one bitstream file will be generated.
The reconstructed files will be named as follow:
-1) Single frame (frames_to_be_coded <= 1):
recon :"xxx.ply" --> "xxx.ply"
bitstream :"yyy.bin" --> "yyy.bin"
-2) Multi-frames (frames_to_be_coded > 1):
recon :"xxx.ply" --> "xxx" + "-" + frame_number + ".ply"
bitstream :"yyy.bin" --> "yyy" + "-" + start_number + ".bin"
frame_number = start_number + iteration_index,
with 0 <= iteration_index < frames_to_be_coded
The following example encodes an decodes frame 0000 of the sequence Livox_01_all_1mm
making use of the configuration file cfg/C1-limitlossyG-lossyA-ai/Livox_01_all_in_one_1mm/r1/encoder(decoder).cfg
and storing the intermediate results in the output directory output/
avs-pcc-pcrm$ ./avs-pcc-encoder -c cfg/cfg_predict/C1-limitlossyG-lossyA-ai/Livox_01_all_in_one_1mm/r1/encoder.cfg \
-i dataset/Livox_01_all_1mm-0000.ply \
-b output/Livox_01_all_1mm-0000.bin \
-r output/C1-limitlossyG-lossyA-ai_r1_Livox_01_all_1mm_enc.ply \
-ftbc 1 \
-mdf output/Livox_01_all_1mm.txt \
> output/C1-limitlossyG-lossyA-ai_r1_Livox_01_all_1mm_enc.log
avs-pcc-pcrm$ ./avs-pcc-decoder -c cfg/cfg_predict/C1-limitlossyG-lossyA-ai/Livox_01_all_in_one_1mm/r1/decoder.cfg \
-b output/Livox_01_all_1mm-0000.bin \
-r output/C1-limitlossyG-lossyA-ai_r1_Livox_01_all_1mm_dec.ply \
-mdf output/Livox_01_all_1mm.txt \
> output/C1-limitlossyG-lossyA-ai_r1_Livox_01_all_1mm_dec.log
avs-pcc-pcrm$ ./avs-pcc-pc_evalue -c cfg/cfg_predict/C1-limitlossyG-lossyA-ai/Livox_01_all_in_one_1mm/r1/pcerror.cfg \
-f1 dataset/Livox_01_all_1mm-0000.ply \
-f2 output/C1-limitlossyG-lossyA-ai_r1_Livox_01_all_1mm_dec.ply\
-ftbc 1 \
> output/C1-limitlossyG-lossyA-ai_r1_Livox_01_all_1mm_pcerror.log
The reference software of AVS-PCC, the version is 14.0
C++ Python C Text
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