

description generation computer vision 0


Updated 1 year ago

video processing computer vision 1

The full benchmark contains 100 sequences from recent literatures. The sequence names are in CamelCase without any blanks or underscores (_). When there exist multiple targets each target is identified as dot+id_number (e.g. Jogging.1 and Jogging.2). Each row in the ground-truth files represents the bounding box of the target in that frame, (x, y, box-width, box-height). In most sequences the first row corresponds to the first frame and the last row to the last frame, except the following sequences: David(300:770), Football1(1:74), Freeman3(1:460), Freeman4(1:283).

Updated 1 year ago

image processing computer vision 3

Updated 1 year ago

image classification computer vision 13

ModelNet40 dataset contains 12,311 pre-aligned shapes from 40 categories, which are split into 9,843 (80%) for training and 2,468 (20%) for testing. The CAD models are in Object File Format (OFF). Matlab functions to read and visualize OFF files are provided in Princeton Vision Toolkit (PVT). To build the core of the dataset, a list of the most common object categories in the world was compiled, using the statistics obtained from the SUN database. Once a vocabulary for objects was established, 3D CAD models belonging to each object category was collected using online search engines by querying for each object category term. Then, human workers on Amazon Mechanical Turk were hired to manually decide whether each CAD model belonged to the specified cateogries, using an in-house designed tool with quality control. To obtain a very clean dataset, 10 popular object categories were chosen while manually deleted the models that did not belong to these categories. Furthermore, manual alignment of orientation of CAD

Updated 1 year ago

image classification computer vision 2


Updated 1 year ago

image classification computer vision 9


Updated 1 year ago