  • 加入于 Dec 14, 2021
  • 组织

zhanghongyi 从镜像同步了 gnn-llm-model-integration 分支的代码到 zhanghongyi/pytorch_geometric

  • ad3a841283 Merge branch 'gnn-llm-model-integration' of https://github.com/pyg-team/pytorch_geometric into gnn-llm-model-integration
  • dac44f0b31 cleanup
  • 4d37e0c9cf [pre-commit.ci] auto fixes from pre-commit.com hooks for more information, see https://pre-commit.ci
  • c37df9aeb4 Merge branch 'gnn-llm-model-integration' of https://github.com/pyg-team/pytorch_geometric into gnn-llm-model-integration
  • b6d194858b cleanup
  • 比较 17 提交 »

21 小时前

zhanghongyi 从镜像同步了 master 分支的代码到 zhanghongyi/pytorch_geometric

  • e2a69a15ba Fix typo in docstring of sequential.py (#9204) There was a small error in the docstring of sequential. The ordering of the (model, function header) tuple was inconsistent.
  • 82aad03c0c Ignore `edge_label` and `edge_label_index` in `ToSparseTensor()` transform (#9199) Fixes https://github.com/pyg-team/pytorch_geometric/issues/9196
  • fcb9c0f0b5 Do not set jinja `propagate` method in `MessagePassing.__init__` twice (#9198)
  • 比较 3 提交 »

2 天前

zhanghongyi 从镜像同步了 gnn-llm-model-integration 分支的代码到 zhanghongyi/pytorch_geometric

2 天前

zhanghongyi 从镜像同步了 master 分支的代码到 zhanghongyi/dgl

  • 7612af0f18 [GraphBolt] Remove old version negative sampler. (#7302) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu <ubuntu@ip-172-31-0-133.us-west-2.compute.internal>
  • 21aeed86e3 [GraphBolt] Update docstring of `itemset.py`. (#7303) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu <ubuntu@ip-172-31-0-133.us-west-2.compute.internal>
  • 15ace31a16 [Misc] Using the aliases of builtin types like np.int is deprecated (#7300)
  • 比较 3 提交 »

3 天前

zhanghongyi 从镜像同步了 gnn-llm-model-integration 分支的代码到 zhanghongyi/pytorch_geometric

4 天前

zhanghongyi 从镜像同步了 master 分支的代码到 zhanghongyi/dgl

  • 2ff3006c35 [CUDA][Bug] CSR transpose bug in CUDA 12 (#7295)
  • 20e5e26697 [GraphBolt] Remove old version exclude edges. (#7299) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu <ubuntu@ip-172-31-0-133.us-west-2.compute.internal>
  • 279ebb1563 [GraphBolt][CUDA] Link prediction `--mode=cuda-cuda` fix. (#7294)
  • 比较 3 提交 »

5 天前

zhanghongyi 从镜像同步了 master 分支的代码到 zhanghongyi/pytorch_geometric

  • 1cb7b04c01 Fix `EgoData` processing in `SnapDataset` in case file names are unsorted; conver to sparse representation if necessary (#9195) Fixes #9176
  • ab6852c77b Fix `torch.sparse.check_sparse_tensor_invariants()` check (#9194)
  • bbf0e1d6e8 style: update ruff `quote-style` to single (#9163) Ref: #9153 Also fixes `ruff` warning, viz. ```lang-bash warning: The top-level linter settings are deprecated in favour of their counterparts in the `lint` section. Please update the following options in `pyproject.toml`: - 'ignore' -> 'lint.ignore' - 'select' -> 'lint.select' ``` This PR doesn't include the actual changes `ruff` might yield, just the change to configuration. Request for Review: @rusty1s
  • 20b8f9e04f Align `pyproject.toml` and PyPi package name (#9193) Co-authored-by: pre-commit-ci[bot] <66853113+pre-commit-ci[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
  • 679c2319f9 Remove future warnings generated in `argva_node_clustering.py` example (#9187) With this fix, the next warning that appears for each epoch: ``` /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/sklearn/cluster/_kmeans.py:870: FutureWarning: The default value of `n_init` will change from 10 to 'auto' in 1.4. Set the value of `n_init` explicitly to suppress the warning warnings.warn( ``` will no longer be generated. --------- Co-authored-by: pre-commit-ci[bot] <66853113+pre-commit-ci[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
  • 比较 10 提交 »

6 天前

zhanghongyi 从镜像同步了 gnn-llm-model-integration 分支的代码到 zhanghongyi/pytorch_geometric

6 天前

zhanghongyi 从镜像同步了 master 分支的代码到 zhanghongyi/dgl

  • f0f424f70c [GraphBolt][CUDA] Better `TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST` initialization. (#7293)
  • c264a4109a [Misc] rename a variable (#7260)
  • 0bd79a2bd9 [GraphBolt] Update name used in `LegacyDataset`. (#7283) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu <ubuntu@ip-172-31-0-133.us-west-2.compute.internal>
  • 比较 3 提交 »


zhanghongyi 从镜像同步了 master 分支的代码到 zhanghongyi/pytorch_geometric

  • e213c297bb Use `message_and_aggregate` in `MessagePassing` for `EdgeIndex` (#9131) Also enforce sort by `row` in spmm --------- Co-authored-by: pre-commit-ci[bot] <66853113+pre-commit-ci[bot]@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: rusty1s <matthias.fey@tu-dortmund.de>


zhanghongyi 从镜像同步了 gnn-llm-model-integration 分支的代码到 zhanghongyi/pytorch_geometric


zhanghongyi 从镜像同步了 g-retriever-w-demo 分支的代码到 zhanghongyi/pytorch_geometric

  • b87eac67b2 Merge branch 'master' into g-retriever-w-demo
  • e213c297bb Use `message_and_aggregate` in `MessagePassing` for `EdgeIndex` (#9131) Also enforce sort by `row` in spmm --------- Co-authored-by: pre-commit-ci[bot] <66853113+pre-commit-ci[bot]@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: rusty1s <matthias.fey@tu-dortmund.de>
  • 比较 2 提交 »


zhanghongyi 从镜像同步了 master 分支的代码到 zhanghongyi/dgl

  • d9caeaaafc [GraphBolt] Update dataset names that exposed to users in examples. (#7280) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu <ubuntu@ip-172-31-0-133.us-west-2.compute.internal>
  • e9661d3b36 [CUDA] Add Ada architecture to DGL architecture list. (#7282)
  • 7b470eb0fa [GraphBolt] Quick fix for GCC 8 (#7279)
  • e847fc44ff [GraphBolt] Update notebooks about how to construct ondisk datasets. (#7268) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu <ubuntu@ip-172-31-0-133.us-west-2.compute.internal>
  • 78df81015a [GraphBolt] Add optimized `unique_and_compact_batched`. (#7239)
  • 比较 10 提交 »


zhanghongyi 从镜像同步了 gnn-llm-model-integration 分支的代码到 zhanghongyi/pytorch_geometric


zhanghongyi 从镜像同步了 master 分支的代码到 zhanghongyi/dgl

  • 62aca92da5 [Dev] add contributor to CI authority (#7267) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu <ubuntu@ip-172-31-10-164.us-west-2.compute.internal>
  • c2ffe3bfe4 [GraphBolt] Update notebook examples. (#7266) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu <ubuntu@ip-172-31-0-133.us-west-2.compute.internal>
  • d3483fe1f1 [GraphBolt][CUDA] Optimize hetero sampling. (#7223)
  • 2a00cd3da4 [Misc] Update ondisk_dataset_heterograph.ipynb (#7261)
  • 12f8348075 [GraphBolt] PyG advanced example `torch.compile()` bug workaround. (#7259)
  • 比较 6 提交 »


zhanghongyi 从镜像同步了 master 分支的代码到 zhanghongyi/pytorch_geometric

  • 38bb5f2937 Flush template file before closing (#9151)
  • 2db8aaf5f3 feat: add `CornellTemporalHyperGraphDatasets` (#9090) Reference: #8501 #7312 Request for Review: @rusty1s @wsad1 This PR aims to add HyperGraph datasets consisting of timestamped simplices where each simplex is a set of nodes. Released with the paper [Simplicial Closure and higher-order link prediction](https://huggingface.co/papers/1802.06916). Notes: > "[In compliance with PEP 8 and PEP 257, Ruff prefers double quotes for triple quoted strings and docstrings even when using quote-style = "single".](https://docs.astral.sh/ruff/settings/#format_quote-style)". Thus even with pre-commit passing there are changes which convert `'` to `"`. Should probably look into setting the `quote-style` property to `"single"`, if single quotes are desired. That way it can be enforced via pre-commit as well. --- _**Update 26th March 2024**: There are multiple datasets which follow a similar processing and loading workflow. Therefore, I have refactored to make a single `CornellTemporalHyperGraphDataset` class. I'm still encountering errors with the test on windows, would appreciate some help on this_ --------- Co-authored-by: rusty1s <matthias.fey@tu-dortmund.de>
  • 2aee5e0942 Fix bug in `to_scipy_sparse_matrix` (#9146) Setting the default device in PyTorch to "cuda" can cause a bug in the `to_scipy_sparse_matrix` function. Code to reproduce: ```python import torch from torch_geometric.utils import to_scipy_sparse_matrix torch.set_default_device("cuda") edge_index = torch.tensor([ [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3], [1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 2], ]) to_scipy_sparse_matrix(edge_index) ``` All tensor input to the function is always copied to the CPU for further processing. However, if `edge_attr` argument is **not** given to the `to_scipy_sparse_matrix` function, a tensor of ones is created instead. No device argument is specified currently for the creation of this tensor, causing it to be created on the GPU if that is the default setting. Almost directly after, `edge_attr.numpy()` is called, causing the following error: ``` TypeError: can't convert cuda:0 device type tensor to numpy. Use Tensor.cpu() to copy the tensor to host memory first. ``` This pull request simply adds the `device="cpu"` argument to the creation of the `edge_attr` tensor to prevent this.
  • 96d723f16a Fix `MetaPath2Vec` in case the last node is isolated (#9145) Fixes #9138
  • 比较 4 提交 »


zhanghongyi 从镜像同步了 g-retriever 分支的代码到 zhanghongyi/pytorch_geometric

  • 49b3bfd49a Merge branch 'master' into g-retriever
  • 38bb5f2937 Flush template file before closing (#9151)
  • 2db8aaf5f3 feat: add `CornellTemporalHyperGraphDatasets` (#9090) Reference: #8501 #7312 Request for Review: @rusty1s @wsad1 This PR aims to add HyperGraph datasets consisting of timestamped simplices where each simplex is a set of nodes. Released with the paper [Simplicial Closure and higher-order link prediction](https://huggingface.co/papers/1802.06916). Notes: > "[In compliance with PEP 8 and PEP 257, Ruff prefers double quotes for triple quoted strings and docstrings even when using quote-style = "single".](https://docs.astral.sh/ruff/settings/#format_quote-style)". Thus even with pre-commit passing there are changes which convert `'` to `"`. Should probably look into setting the `quote-style` property to `"single"`, if single quotes are desired. That way it can be enforced via pre-commit as well. --- _**Update 26th March 2024**: There are multiple datasets which follow a similar processing and loading workflow. Therefore, I have refactored to make a single `CornellTemporalHyperGraphDataset` class. I'm still encountering errors with the test on windows, would appreciate some help on this_ --------- Co-authored-by: rusty1s <matthias.fey@tu-dortmund.de>
  • e58eeb484a Merge branch 'master' into g-retriever
  • 2aee5e0942 Fix bug in `to_scipy_sparse_matrix` (#9146) Setting the default device in PyTorch to "cuda" can cause a bug in the `to_scipy_sparse_matrix` function. Code to reproduce: ```python import torch from torch_geometric.utils import to_scipy_sparse_matrix torch.set_default_device("cuda") edge_index = torch.tensor([ [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3], [1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 2], ]) to_scipy_sparse_matrix(edge_index) ``` All tensor input to the function is always copied to the CPU for further processing. However, if `edge_attr` argument is **not** given to the `to_scipy_sparse_matrix` function, a tensor of ones is created instead. No device argument is specified currently for the creation of this tensor, causing it to be created on the GPU if that is the default setting. Almost directly after, `edge_attr.numpy()` is called, causing the following error: ``` TypeError: can't convert cuda:0 device type tensor to numpy. Use Tensor.cpu() to copy the tensor to host memory first. ``` This pull request simply adds the `device="cpu"` argument to the creation of the `edge_attr` tensor to prevent this.
  • 比较 6 提交 »


zhanghongyi 从镜像同步了 master 分支的代码到 zhanghongyi/dgl

  • b743cdef71 [GraphBolt] Hack for original `seed_nodes` and `node_pairs`. (#7248) Co-authored-by: Ubuntu <ubuntu@ip-172-31-0-133.us-west-2.compute.internal>
  • 3df6e30180 [GraphBolt] Update `__len__()` and `__getitem__()` of `ItemSet` (#7253)
  • 比较 2 提交 »

2 周前

zhanghongyi 从镜像同步了 master 分支的代码到 zhanghongyi/pytorch_geometric

  • cbfd1dbcc8 Fix parallelism for `OnDiskDataset` (#9140) Co-authored-by: rusty1s <matthias.fey@tu-dortmund.de>
  • 24ec11d1c0 [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit suggestions (#9137) <!--pre-commit.ci start--> updates: - [github.com/adrienverge/yamllint.git: v1.33.0 → v1.35.1](https://github.com/adrienverge/yamllint.git/compare/v1.33.0...v1.35.1) - [github.com/PyCQA/flake8: 6.1.0 → 7.0.0](https://github.com/PyCQA/flake8/compare/6.1.0...7.0.0) - [github.com/astral-sh/ruff-pre-commit: v0.1.9 → v0.3.5](https://github.com/astral-sh/ruff-pre-commit/compare/v0.1.9...v0.3.5) <!--pre-commit.ci end--> --------- Co-authored-by: pre-commit-ci[bot] <66853113+pre-commit-ci[bot]@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: rusty1s <matthias.fey@tu-dortmund.de>
  • 比较 2 提交 »

2 周前

zhanghongyi 从镜像同步了 g-retriever 分支的代码到 zhanghongyi/pytorch_geometric

  • 1ee3fe97b4 minor cleanup
  • 18bd2d3dd7 Merge branch 'master' into g-retriever
  • cbfd1dbcc8 Fix parallelism for `OnDiskDataset` (#9140) Co-authored-by: rusty1s <matthias.fey@tu-dortmund.de>
  • 24ec11d1c0 [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit suggestions (#9137) <!--pre-commit.ci start--> updates: - [github.com/adrienverge/yamllint.git: v1.33.0 → v1.35.1](https://github.com/adrienverge/yamllint.git/compare/v1.33.0...v1.35.1) - [github.com/PyCQA/flake8: 6.1.0 → 7.0.0](https://github.com/PyCQA/flake8/compare/6.1.0...7.0.0) - [github.com/astral-sh/ruff-pre-commit: v0.1.9 → v0.3.5](https://github.com/astral-sh/ruff-pre-commit/compare/v0.1.9...v0.3.5) <!--pre-commit.ci end--> --------- Co-authored-by: pre-commit-ci[bot] <66853113+pre-commit-ci[bot]@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: rusty1s <matthias.fey@tu-dortmund.de>
  • 4c945a3c73 [pre-commit.ci] auto fixes from pre-commit.com hooks for more information, see https://pre-commit.ci
  • 比较 10 提交 »

2 周前