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zhangximing closed issue OpenModelZoo/feedback_jijiehao#2


2 years ago

zhangximing commented on issue OpenModelZoo/feedback_jijiehao#2


mindspore r1.5版本已修复此bug,issue关闭

2 years ago

zhangximing pushed to mindx at OpenModelZoo/AutoDeeplab

2 years ago

zhangximing pushed to r1.3 at OpenModelZoo/AutoDeeplab

2 years ago

zhangximing pushed to master at OpenModelZoo/AutoDeeplab

2 years ago

zhangximing pushed to master at OpenModelZoo/AutoDeeplab

  • d0165f466c add 910 Implementation of Auto-DeepLab

2 years ago

zhangximing deleted branch dev from OpenModelZoo/AutoDeeplab

2 years ago

zhangximing pushed to master at OpenModelZoo/AutoDeeplab

2 years ago

zhangximing pushed to master at OpenModelZoo/AutoDeeplab

  • b94e2626a7 merge(*): dev version 040; now autodeeplab s with 500k iters training can get 75.59% mIou
  • cb23e1db04 merge(*): dev version 040; now autodeeplab s with 500k iters training can get 75.59% mIou
  • Compare 2 commits »

2 years ago

zhangximing commented on issue OpenModelZoo/feedback_jijiehao#2


问题尚未解决,bug尚未修复。目前使用替代方案来取代原来的nn.Conv2d,但是时间复杂度有点高。 ``` class DilSepCov(nn.Cell): def __init__(self, channels, kernel_size, stride, pad_mode='pad', padding=0, dilation=1, has_bias=False, weight_init='HeNormal' ): super(DilSepCov, self).__init__() self.channels = channels self.ops = nn.CellList([]) for i in range(channels): self.ops.append(nn.Conv2d(1, 1, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, pad_mode=pad_mode, padding=padding, dilation=dilation, has_bias=has_bias, weight_init=weight_init)) self.concat = ops.Concat(axis=1) def construct(self, x): output = () for i in range(1, self.channels): output += (self.ops[i](x[:, i:i+1:1, :, :]), ) output = self.concat(output) return output ```

2 years ago

zhangximing pushed to dev at OpenModelZoo/AutoDeeplab

2 years ago

zhangximing opened issue OpenModelZoo/feedback_jijiehao#2


3 years ago