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@@ -143,3 +143,148 @@ If you find this repo useful, please consider referencing the following paper:

Our code is heavily based on [TorchSeg](https://github.com/ycszen/TorchSeg) and [SA-Gate](https://github.com/charlesCXK/RGBD_Semantic_Segmentation_PyTorch), thanks for their excellent work!

# RGBX_Semantic_Segmentation







![Example segmentation](segmentation.jpg?raw=true "Example segmentation")

The official implementation of CMX: Cross-Modal Fusion for RGB-X Semantic Segmentation with Transformers:
More details can be found in our paper [[**PDF**](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2203.04838.pdf)].

## Usage
### Installation
1. Requirements

- Python 3.7+
- PyTorch 1.7.0 or higher
- CUDA 10.2 or higher

We have tested the following versions of OS and softwares:

- OS: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS
- CUDA: 10.2
- PyTorch 1.8.2
- Python 3.8.11

2. Install all dependencies.
Install pytorch, cuda and cudnn, then install other dependencies via:
pip install -r requirements.txt

### Datasets

Orgnize the dataset folder in the following structure:
|-- <DatasetName1>
|-- <RGBFolder>
|-- <name1>.<ImageFormat>
|-- <name2>.<ImageFormat>
|-- <ModalXFolder>
|-- <name1>.<ModalXFormat>
|-- <name2>.<ModalXFormat>
|-- <LabelFolder>
|-- <name1>.<LabelFormat>
|-- <name2>.<LabelFormat>
|-- train.txt
|-- test.txt
|-- <DatasetName2>
|-- ...

`train.txt` contains the names of items in training set, e.g.:

For RGB-Depth semantic segmentation, the generation of HHA maps from Depth maps can refer to [https://github.com/charlesCXK/Depth2HHA-python](https://github.com/charlesCXK/Depth2HHA-python).

### Train
1. Pretrain weights:

Download the pretrained segformer here [pretrained segformer](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10XgSW8f7ghRs9fJ0dE-EV8G2E_guVsT5?usp=sharing).

2. Config

Edit config file in `configs.py`, including dataset and network settings.

3. Run multi GPU distributed training:
$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="GPU IDs" python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node="GPU numbers you want to use" train.py

- The tensorboard file is saved in `log_<datasetName>_<backboneSize>/tb/` directory.
- Checkpoints are stored in `log_<datasetName>_<backboneSize>/checkpoints/` directory.

### Evaluation
Run the evaluation by:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="GPU IDs" python eval.py -d="Device ID" -e="epoch number or range"
If you want to use multi GPUs please specify multiple Device IDs (0,1,2...).

## Result
We offer the pre-trained weights on different RGBX datasets (Some weights are not avaiable yet, Due to the difference of training platforms, these weights may not be correctly loaded.):

### NYU-V2(40 categories)
| Architecture | Backbone | mIOU(SS) | mIOU(MS & Flip) | Weight |
|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| :---:|
| CMX (SegFormer) | MiT-B2 | 54.1% | 54.4% | [NYU-MiT-B2](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hlyglGnEB0pnWXfHPtBtCGGlKMDh2K--/view?usp=sharing) |
| CMX (SegFormer) | MiT-B4 | 56.0% | 56.3% | |
| CMX (SegFormer) | MiT-B5 | 56.8% | 56.9% | |

### MFNet(9 categories)
| Architecture | Backbone | mIOU | Weight |
| CMX (SegFormer) | MiT-B2 | 58.2% | [MFNet-MiT-B2](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wtWxUgDk1N1QOhiGhUavBNc1_Bv9gzOM/view?usp=sharing) |
| CMX (SegFormer) | MiT-B4 | 59.7% | |

### ScanNet-V2(20 categories)
| Architecture | Backbone | mIOU | Weight |
| CMX (SegFormer) | MiT-B2 | 61.3% | [ScanNet-MiT-B2](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vWsG_wm5p6NSfCFmoWsCAuyWQh1m8dym/view?usp=sharing) |

### RGB-Event(20 categories)
| Architecture | Backbone | mIOU | Weight |
| CMX (SegFormer) | MiT-B4 | 64.28% | [RGBE-MiT-B4](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UEnuzu6fwYTH1DROZ0hmzuboLGs5HdmQ/view?usp=sharing) |

## Publication
If you find this repo useful, please consider referencing the following paper:
title={CMX: Cross-Modal Fusion for RGB-X Semantic Segmentation with Transformers},
author={Liu, Huayao and Zhang, Jiaming and Yang, Kailun and Hu, Xinxin and Stiefelhagen, Rainer},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.04838},

## Acknowledgement

Our code is heavily based on [TorchSeg](https://github.com/ycszen/TorchSeg) and [SA-Gate](https://github.com/charlesCXK/RGBD_Semantic_Segmentation_PyTorch), thanks for their excellent work!
