#2329 项目内默认头像的更改

zouap merged 3 commits from fix-2227 into V20220630 1 year ago
  1. +624
  2. +1
  3. +54

+ 624
- 601
public/home/search.js View File

@@ -1,118 +1,114 @@
var token;
if (isEmpty(token)) {
var meta = $("meta[name=_uid]");
if (!isEmpty(meta)) {
token = meta.attr("content");
console.log("token is uid:" + token);

var html =document.documentElement;
var html = document.documentElement;
var lang = html.attributes["lang"]
var isZh = true;
if(lang != null && lang.nodeValue =="en-US" ){
console.log("the language is " + lang.nodeValue);
console.log("default lang=zh");
if (lang != null && lang.nodeValue == "en-US") {
isZh = false;
} else {
function isEmpty(str){
if(typeof str == "undefined" || str == null || str == ""){
function isEmpty(str) {
if (typeof str == "undefined" || str == null || str == "") {
return true;
return false;

var itemType={
var itemType = {
"1": "repository",
"2": "issue",
"3": "user",
"4": "org",
"5": "dataset",
"6": "pr"

var sortBy={
var sortBy = {
"10": "default",
"11": "updated_unix.keyword",
"12": "num_watches",
"13": "num_stars",
"14": "num_forks",
"20": "default",
"21": "updated_unix.keyword",
"30": "default",
"31": "name.keyword",
"32": "name.keyword",
"33": "created_unix.keyword",
"34": "created_unix.keyword",
"40": "default",
"41": "name.keyword",
"42": "name.keyword",
"43": "created_unix.keyword",
"44": "created_unix.keyword",
"50": "default",
"51": "download_times",
"60": "default",
"61": "updated_unix.keyword"

var sortAscending={
var sortAscending = {
"10": "false",
"11": "false",
"12": "false",
"13": "false",
"14": "false",
"20": "false",
"21": "false",
"30": "false",
"31": "true",
"32": "false",
"33": "false",
"34": "true",
"40": "false",
"41": "true",
"42": "false",
"43": "false",
"44": "true",
"50": "false",
"51": "false",
"60": "false",
"61": "false"

var currentPage = 1;
var pageSize = 15;
var currentSearchTableName ="repository";
var currentSearchKeyword="";
var currentSearchSortBy="";
var currentSearchAscending="false";
var OnlySearchLabel=false;
var startIndex =1;
var currentSearchTableName = "repository";
var currentSearchKeyword = "";
var currentSearchSortBy = "";
var currentSearchAscending = "false";
var OnlySearchLabel = false;
var startIndex = 1;
var endIndex = 5;
var totalPage = 1;
var totalNum = 0;
var privateTotal = 0;

function initPageInfo(){
function initPageInfo() {
currentPage = 1;
startIndex =1;
startIndex = 1;
endIndex = 5;

function searchItem(type,sortType){
console.log("enter item 2.");
function searchItem(type, sortType) {
if (OnlySearchLabel) {
doSearchLabel(currentSearchTableName, currentSearchKeyword, sortBy[sortType], sortAscending[sortType])
} else {
currentSearchKeyword = document.getElementById("keyword_input").value;
if (!isEmpty(currentSearchKeyword)) {
currentSearchTableName = itemType[type];
currentSearchSortBy = sortBy[sortType];
currentSearchAscending = sortAscending[sortType];
OnlySearchLabel =false;
OnlySearchLabel = false;
} else {
@@ -120,28 +116,27 @@ function searchItem(type,sortType){

function search(){
console.log("enter here 1.");
function search() {
currentSearchKeyword = document.getElementById("keyword_input").value;
if (!isEmpty(currentSearchKeyword)) {
currentSearchKeyword = currentSearchKeyword.trim();
if (!isEmpty(currentSearchKeyword)) {
doSpcifySearch(currentSearchTableName, currentSearchKeyword, sortBy[10], "false");
} else {

function emptySearch(){
function emptySearch() {
document.getElementById("find_id").innerHTML = getLabel(isZh, "search_empty");
document.getElementById("sort_type").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("child_search_item").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("page_menu").innerHTML = "";
@@ -151,142 +146,137 @@ function emptySearch(){

function initDiv(isSearchLabel=false){
function initDiv(isSearchLabel = false) {
if (isSearchLabel) {
document.getElementById("search_div").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("search_label_div").style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("dataset_item").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("issue_item").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("pr_item").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("user_item").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("org_item").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("find_id").innerHTML = "";
} else {
document.getElementById("search_div").style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("search_label_div").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("dataset_item").style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("issue_item").style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("pr_item").style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("user_item").style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("org_item").style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("find_id").innerHTML = getLabel(isZh, "search_finded");

function doSpcifySearch(tableName,keyword,sortBy="",ascending="false"){
function doSpcifySearch(tableName, keyword, sortBy = "", ascending = "false") {
document.getElementById("find_id").innerHTML = getLabel(isZh, "search_finded");
currentSearchKeyword = keyword;
currentSearchTableName = tableName;
currentSearchSortBy = sortBy;
currentSearchAscending = ascending;
OnlySearchLabel =false;
OnlySearchLabel = false;


if(currentSearchTableName != "repository"){
if (currentSearchTableName != "repository") {
doSearch("repository", currentSearchKeyword, 1, pageSize, true, "", false);
if(currentSearchTableName != "issue"){
if (currentSearchTableName != "issue") {
doSearch("issue", currentSearchKeyword, 1, pageSize, true, "", false);
if(currentSearchTableName != "user"){
if (currentSearchTableName != "user") {
doSearch("user", currentSearchKeyword, 1, pageSize, true, "", false);
if(currentSearchTableName != "org"){
if (currentSearchTableName != "org") {
doSearch("org", currentSearchKeyword, 1, pageSize, true, "", false);
if(currentSearchTableName != "dataset"){
if (currentSearchTableName != "dataset") {
doSearch("dataset", currentSearchKeyword, 1, pageSize, true, "", false);
if(currentSearchTableName != "pr"){
if (currentSearchTableName != "pr") {
doSearch("pr", currentSearchKeyword, 1, pageSize, true, "", false);

function doSearchLabel(tableName,keyword,sortBy="",ascending="false"){
function doSearchLabel(tableName, keyword, sortBy = "", ascending = "false") {
document.getElementById("search_label_div").innerHTML="<p class=\"searchlabel\">#" + keyword + "</p>";
document.getElementById("search_label_div").innerHTML = "<p class=\"searchlabel\">#" + keyword + "</p>";

currentSearchKeyword = keyword;
currentSearchTableName = tableName;
currentSearchSortBy = sortBy;
currentSearchAscending = ascending;
OnlySearchLabel =true;
OnlySearchLabel = true;


function searchLabel(tableName,keyword,sortBy="",ascending="false"){
function searchLabel(tableName, keyword, sortBy = "", ascending = "false") {

console.log("enter label search.");
sessionStorage.setItem("keyword", keyword);
sessionStorage.setItem("tableName", tableName);
sessionStorage.setItem("searchLabel", true);
sessionStorage.setItem("sortBy", sortBy);
sessionStorage.setItem("ascending", ascending);

function doSearch(tableName,keyword,page,pageSize=15,onlyReturnNum=true,sortBy="",OnlySearchLabel=false){
function doSearch(tableName, keyword, page, pageSize = 15, onlyReturnNum = true, sortBy = "", OnlySearchLabel = false) {
var language = "zh-CN";
if (!isZh) {
language = "en-US";
type: "GET",
url: "/all/dosearch/",
headers: {
authorization: token,
dataType: "json",
data: {
'TableName': tableName,
'Key': keyword,
'Page': page,
'PageSize': pageSize,
'OnlyReturnNum': onlyReturnNum,
'SortBy': sortBy,
'OnlySearchLabel': OnlySearchLabel,
'Ascending': currentSearchAscending,
'WebTotal': totalNum,
'PrivateTotal': privateTotal,
'language': language
console.log("tableName=" + tableName);
async: true,
success: function (json) {
displayResult(tableName, page, json, onlyReturnNum, keyword);
error:function(response) {
error: function (response) {

function displayResult(tableName,page,jsonResult,onlyReturnNum,keyword){
if(tableName == "repository") {
function displayResult(tableName, page, jsonResult, onlyReturnNum, keyword) {
if (tableName == "repository") {
displayRepoResult(page, jsonResult, onlyReturnNum, keyword);
} else if (tableName == "issue") {
displayIssueResult(page, jsonResult, onlyReturnNum, keyword);
} else if (tableName == "user") {
displayUserResult(page, jsonResult, onlyReturnNum, keyword);
} else if (tableName == "org") {
displayOrgResult(page, jsonResult, onlyReturnNum, keyword);
} else if (tableName == "dataset") {
displayDataSetResult(page, jsonResult, onlyReturnNum, keyword);
} else if (tableName == "pr") {
displayPrResult(page, jsonResult, onlyReturnNum, keyword);
console.log("set total num." + tableName);
totalPage =Math.ceil(jsonResult.Total/pageSize);
if (!onlyReturnNum) {
totalPage = Math.ceil(jsonResult.Total / pageSize);
totalNum = jsonResult.Total;
privateTotal = jsonResult.PrivateTotal;
@@ -294,647 +284,684 @@ function displayResult(tableName,page,jsonResult,onlyReturnNum,keyword){


function displayPrResult(page,jsonResult,onlyReturnNum,keyword){
function displayPrResult(page, jsonResult, onlyReturnNum, keyword) {
var data = jsonResult.Result;
var total = jsonResult.Total;
if (!onlyReturnNum) {
$('#find_title').html(getLabel(isZh, "find_title").replace('{keyword}', keyword).replace('{tablename}', getLabel(isZh, "search_pr")).replace('{total}', total));

setIssueOrPrInnerHtml(data, "pulls");

var categoryDesc={
var categoryDesc = {
"computer_vision": "计算机视觉",
"natural_language_processing": "自然语言处理",
"speech_processing": "语音处理",
"computer_vision_natural_language_processing": "计算机视觉、自然语言处理"

var categoryENDesc={
"computer_vision":"computer vision",
"natural_language_processing":"natural language processing",
"speech_processing":"speech processing",
"computer_vision_natural_language_processing":"computer vision and natural language processing"
var categoryENDesc = {
"computer_vision": "computer vision",
"natural_language_processing": "natural language processing",
"speech_processing": "speech processing",
"computer_vision_natural_language_processing": "computer vision and natural language processing"

var taskDesc={
var taskDesc = {
"machine_translation": "机器翻译",
"question_answering_system": "问答系统",
"information_retrieval": "信息检索",
"knowledge_graph": "知识图谱",
"text_annotation": "文本标注",
"text_categorization": "文本分类",
"emotion_analysis": "情感分析",
"language_modeling": "语言建模",
"speech_recognition": "语音识别",
"automatic_digest": "自动文摘",
"information_extraction": "信息抽取",
"description_generation": "说明生成",
"image_classification": "图像分类",
"face_recognition": "人脸识别",
"image_search": "图像搜索",
"target_detection": "目标检测",
"image_description_generation": "图像描述生成",
"vehicle_license_plate_recognition": "车辆车牌识别",
"medical_image_analysis": "医学图像分析",
"unmanned": "无人驾驶",
"unmanned_security": "无人安防",
"drone": "无人机",
"vr_ar": "VR/AR",
"2_d_vision": "2-D视觉",
"2_5_d_vision": "2.5-D视觉",
"3_d_reconstruction": "3D重构",
"image_processing": "图像处理",
"video_processing": "视频处理",
"visual_input_system": "视觉输入系统",
"speech_coding": "语音编码",
"speech_enhancement": "语音增强",
"speech_recognition": "语音识别",
"speech_synthesis": "语音合成"

var taskENDesc={
"machine_translation":"machine translation",
"question_answering_system":"question answering system",
"information_retrieval":"information retrieval",
"knowledge_graph":"knowledge graph",
"text_annotation":"text annotation",
"text_categorization":"text categorization",
"emotion_analysis":"emotion analysis",
"language_modeling":"language modeling",
"speech_recognition":"speech recognition",
"automatic_digest":"automatic digest",
"information_extraction":"information extraction",
"description_generation":"description generation",
"image_classification":"image classification",
"face_recognition":"face recognition",
"image_search":"image search",
"target_detection":"target detection",
"image_description_generation":"image description generation",
"vehicle_license_plate_recognition":"vehicle license plate recognition",
"medical_image_analysis":"medical image analysis",
"unmanned_security":"unmanned security",
"2_d_vision":"2.D vision",
"2.5_d_vision":"2.5D vision",
"image_processing":"image processing",
"video_processing":"video processing",
"visual_input_system":"visual input system",
"speech_coding":"speech coding",
"speech_enhancement":"speech enhancement",
"speech_recognition":"speech recognition",
"speech_synthesis":"speech synthesis"
var taskENDesc = {
"machine_translation": "machine translation",
"question_answering_system": "question answering system",
"information_retrieval": "information retrieval",
"knowledge_graph": "knowledge graph",
"text_annotation": "text annotation",
"text_categorization": "text categorization",
"emotion_analysis": "emotion analysis",
"language_modeling": "language modeling",
"speech_recognition": "speech recognition",
"automatic_digest": "automatic digest",
"information_extraction": "information extraction",
"description_generation": "description generation",
"image_classification": "image classification",
"face_recognition": "face recognition",
"image_search": "image search",
"target_detection": "target detection",
"image_description_generation": "image description generation",
"vehicle_license_plate_recognition": "vehicle license plate recognition",
"medical_image_analysis": "medical image analysis",
"unmanned": "unmanned",
"unmanned_security": "unmanned security",
"drone": "drone",
"vr_ar": "VR/AR",
"2_d_vision": "2.D vision",
"2.5_d_vision": "2.5D vision",
"3_d_reconstruction": "3Dreconstruction",
"image_processing": "image processing",
"video_processing": "video processing",
"visual_input_system": "visual input system",
"speech_coding": "speech coding",
"speech_enhancement": "speech enhancement",
"speech_recognition": "speech recognition",
"speech_synthesis": "speech synthesis"

function getCategoryDesc(isZh,key){
function getCategoryDesc(isZh, key) {
var re = key;
if (isZh) {
re = categoryDesc[key];
} else {
re = categoryENDesc[key];
if (isEmpty(re)) {
return key;
return re;

function getTaskDesc(isZh,key){
function getTaskDesc(isZh, key) {
var re = key;
if (isZh) {
re = taskDesc[key];
} else {
re = taskENDesc[key];
if (isEmpty(re)) {
return key;
return re;

function getActiveItem(sort_type){
console.log("currentSearchSortBy=" + currentSearchSortBy + " sort_type=" + sortBy[sort_type]);
if(currentSearchSortBy == sortBy[sort_type] && currentSearchAscending == sortAscending[sort_type]){
function getActiveItem(sort_type) {
if (currentSearchSortBy == sortBy[sort_type] && currentSearchAscending == sortAscending[sort_type]) {
return "active ";
} else {
return "";

function displayDataSetResult(page,jsonResult,onlyReturnNum,keyword){
function displayDataSetResult(page, jsonResult, onlyReturnNum, keyword) {
var data = jsonResult.Result;
var total = jsonResult.Total;
if (!onlyReturnNum) {
$('#find_title').html(getLabel(isZh, "find_title").replace('{keyword}', keyword).replace('{tablename}', getLabel(isZh, "search_dataset")).replace('{total}', total));

var sortHtml = "";
sortHtml +="<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(50) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(5,50);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_1\">"+ getLabel(isZh,"search_matched") + "</a>";
sortHtml +="<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(51) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(5,51);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_1\">"+ getLabel(isZh,"search_matched_download") + "</a>";
sortHtml += "<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(50) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(5,50);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_1\">" + getLabel(isZh, "search_matched") + "</a>";
sortHtml += "<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(51) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(5,51);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_1\">" + getLabel(isZh, "search_matched_download") + "</a>";
document.getElementById("sort_type").innerHTML = sortHtml;

var html = "";
var currentTime = new Date().getTime();
for(var i = 0; i < data.length;i++){
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var recordMap = data[i];
html += "<div class=\"item\">";
html += " <div class=\"content\">";
html += " <div class=\"ui right metas\">" ;
html += " <span class=\"text grey\"><svg class=\"svg octicon-tasklist\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><use xlink:href=\"#octicon-tasklist\" /></svg> " + getCategoryDesc(isZh,recordMap["category"]) + "</span>";
html += " <div class=\"ui right metas\">";
if (!isEmpty(recordMap["category"])) {
html += " <span class=\"text grey\"><svg class=\"svg octicon-tasklist\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><use xlink:href=\"#octicon-tasklist\" /></svg> " + getCategoryDesc(isZh, recordMap["category"]) + "</span>";
html += " <span class=\"text grey\"><svg class=\"svg octicon-tag\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><use xlink:href=\"#octicon-tag\" /></svg>" + getTaskDesc(isZh,recordMap["task"]) + "</span>";
if (!isEmpty(recordMap["task"])) {
html += " <span class=\"text grey\"><svg class=\"svg octicon-tag\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><use xlink:href=\"#octicon-tag\" /></svg>" + getTaskDesc(isZh, recordMap["task"]) + "</span>";
html += " <span class=\"text grey\"><i class=\"ri-fire-line\"></i> " +recordMap["download_times"] + "</span> ";
html +=" </div>";
html += " <span class=\"text grey\"><i class=\"ri-fire-line\"></i> " + recordMap["download_times"] + "</span> ";
html += " </div>";
html += " <div class=\"ui header\">";
html += " <a class=\"name\" href=\"/" +recordMap["repoUrl"] +"/datasets\" target=\"_blank\">" + recordMap["title"] + "</a>";
html +=" <span class=\"middle\"><svg class=\"svg octicon-repo-clone\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><use xlink:href=\"#octicon-repo-clone\"></use></svg></span>";
html +=" </div>";
html += " <a class=\"name\" href=\"/" + recordMap["repoUrl"] + "/datasets\" target=\"_blank\">" + recordMap["title"] + "</a>";
html += " <span class=\"middle\"><svg class=\"svg octicon-repo-clone\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><use xlink:href=\"#octicon-repo-clone\"></use></svg></span>";
html += " </div>";
html += " <div class=\"description\">";
html += " <p class=\"has-emoji\"> " + recordMap["description"] + "</p>";
if (!isEmpty(recordMap["file_name"])) {
html += " <p class=\"has-emoji\"> " + recordMap["file_name"] + "</p>";
html +=" <p class=\"time\">";
html +=" <span class=\"am-ml-10\"></span> "+ getLabel(isZh,"search_lasted_update") + " " + recordMap["updated_html"];
html +=" </p>";
html +=" </div>";
html +=" </div>";
html +="</div>";
html += " <p class=\"time\">";
html += " <span class=\"am-ml-10\"></span> " + getLabel(isZh, "search_lasted_update") + " " + recordMap["updated_html"];
html += " </p>";
html += " </div>";
html += " </div>";
html += "</div>";
document.getElementById("child_search_item").innerHTML = html;

function displayOrgResult(page,jsonResult,onlyReturnNum,keyword){
function displayOrgResult(page, jsonResult, onlyReturnNum, keyword) {
var data = jsonResult.Result;
var total = jsonResult.Total;
if (!onlyReturnNum) {
$('#find_title').html(getLabel(isZh, "find_title").replace('{keyword}', keyword).replace('{tablename}', getLabel(isZh, "search_org")).replace('{total}', total));

var sortHtml = "";
sortHtml +="<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(40) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(4,40);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_1\">"+ getLabel(isZh,"search_matched") + "</a>";
sortHtml +="<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(41) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(4,41);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_1\">"+ getLabel(isZh,"search_letter_asc") + "</a>";
sortHtml +="<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(42) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(4,42);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_2\">"+ getLabel(isZh,"search_letter_desc") + "</a>";
sortHtml +="<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(43) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(4,43);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_2\">"+ getLabel(isZh,"search_lasted_create") + "</a>";
sortHtml +="<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(44) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(4,44);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_2\">"+ getLabel(isZh,"search_early_create") + "</a>";
sortHtml += "<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(40) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(4,40);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_1\">" + getLabel(isZh, "search_matched") + "</a>";
sortHtml += "<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(41) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(4,41);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_1\">" + getLabel(isZh, "search_letter_asc") + "</a>";
sortHtml += "<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(42) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(4,42);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_2\">" + getLabel(isZh, "search_letter_desc") + "</a>";
sortHtml += "<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(43) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(4,43);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_2\">" + getLabel(isZh, "search_lasted_create") + "</a>";
sortHtml += "<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(44) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(4,44);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_2\">" + getLabel(isZh, "search_early_create") + "</a>";
document.getElementById("sort_type").innerHTML = sortHtml;

var html = "";
var currentTime = new Date().getTime();
for(var i = 0; i < data.length;i++){
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var recordMap = data[i];
html += "<div class=\"item members\">";
html += "<img class=\"ui avatar image\" src=\"" + recordMap["avatar"] + "\"></img>";
html += " <div class=\"content\">";
html += " <div class=\"ui header\">";
html += " <a class=\"name\" href=\"/" + recordMap["real_name"] +"\" target=\"_blank\">" + recordMap["name"] + "&nbsp;&nbsp;" + recordMap["full_name"] + "</a>";
html +=" </div>";
html += " <a class=\"name\" href=\"/" + recordMap["real_name"] + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + recordMap["name"] + "&nbsp;&nbsp;" + recordMap["full_name"] + "</a>";
html += " </div>";
html += " <div class=\"description\">";
html += " <p class=\"has-emoji\"> " + recordMap["description"] + "</p>";
html +=" <p class=\"has-emoji\">";
if(!isEmpty(recordMap["location"]) && recordMap["location"] != "null"){
html +=" <i class=\"ri-map-pin-2-line\"></i> " + recordMap["location"];
html += " <p class=\"has-emoji\">";
if (!isEmpty(recordMap["location"]) && recordMap["location"] != "null") {
html += " <i class=\"ri-map-pin-2-line\"></i> " + recordMap["location"];
html +=" <span class=\"am-ml-10\"></span>";
if(!isEmpty(recordMap["website"]) && recordMap["website"] != "null"){
html +=" <i class=\"ri-links-line\"></i>" + "<a href=\""+ recordMap["website"] + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + recordMap["website"] + "</a>";
html += " <span class=\"am-ml-10\"></span>";
if (!isEmpty(recordMap["website"]) && recordMap["website"] != "null") {
html += " <i class=\"ri-links-line\"></i>" + "<a href=\"" + recordMap["website"] + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + recordMap["website"] + "</a>";
html +=" <i class=\"ri-time-line am-ml-10\"></i> "+ getLabel(isZh,"search_add_by") + " ";
html += " <i class=\"ri-time-line am-ml-10\"></i> " + getLabel(isZh, "search_add_by") + " ";
html += recordMap["add_time"]
html +=" </p>";
html +=" </div>";
html +=" </div>";
html +="</div>";
html += " </p>";
html += " </div>";
html += " </div>";
html += "</div>";
document.getElementById("child_search_item").innerHTML = html;
var monthDisplay=new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Spt","Oct","Nov","Dec");
function displayUserResult(page,jsonResult,onlyReturnNum,keyword){
var monthDisplay = new Array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Spt", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec");
function displayUserResult(page, jsonResult, onlyReturnNum, keyword) {
var data = jsonResult.Result;
var total = jsonResult.Total;
if (!onlyReturnNum) {

$('#find_title').html(getLabel(isZh, "find_title").replace('{keyword}', keyword).replace('{tablename}', getLabel(isZh, "search_user")).replace('{total}', total));

var sortHtml = "";//equal user sort by
sortHtml +="<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(30) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(3,30);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_1\">"+ getLabel(isZh,"search_matched") + "</a>";
sortHtml +="<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(31) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(3,31);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_1\">"+ getLabel(isZh,"search_letter_asc") + "</a>";
sortHtml +="<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(32) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(3,32);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_2\">"+ getLabel(isZh,"search_letter_desc") + "</a>";
sortHtml +="<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(33) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(3,33);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_2\">"+ getLabel(isZh,"search_lasted_create") + "</a>";
sortHtml +="<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(34) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(3,34);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_2\">"+ getLabel(isZh,"search_early_create") + "</a>";
sortHtml += "<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(30) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(3,30);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_1\">" + getLabel(isZh, "search_matched") + "</a>";
sortHtml += "<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(31) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(3,31);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_1\">" + getLabel(isZh, "search_letter_asc") + "</a>";
sortHtml += "<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(32) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(3,32);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_2\">" + getLabel(isZh, "search_letter_desc") + "</a>";
sortHtml += "<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(33) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(3,33);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_2\">" + getLabel(isZh, "search_lasted_create") + "</a>";
sortHtml += "<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(34) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(3,34);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_2\">" + getLabel(isZh, "search_early_create") + "</a>";

document.getElementById("sort_type").innerHTML = sortHtml;

var html = "";
var currentTime = new Date().getTime();
for(var i = 0; i < data.length;i++){
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var recordMap = data[i];
html += "<div class=\"item members\">";
html += "<img class=\"ui avatar image\" src=\"" + recordMap["avatar"] + "\"></img>";
html += " <div class=\"content\">";
html += " <div class=\"ui header\">";
html += " <a class=\"name\" href=\"/" + recordMap["real_name"] +"\" target=\"_blank\">" + recordMap["name"] + "&nbsp;&nbsp;" + recordMap["full_name"] + "</a>";
html +=" </div>";
html += " <a class=\"name\" href=\"/" + recordMap["real_name"] + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + recordMap["name"] + "&nbsp;&nbsp;" + recordMap["full_name"] + "</a>";
html += " </div>";
html += " <div class=\"description\">";
html += " <p class=\"has-emoji\"> " + recordMap["description"] + "</p>";
html +=" <p class=\"has-emoji\">";
if(!isEmpty(recordMap["email"]) && recordMap["email"] != "null"){
html +=" <i class=\"ri-mail-line\"></i>&nbsp;<a href=\"mailto:" + recordMap["email"] + "\" rel=\"nofollow\">" + recordMap["email"] + "</a>";
html += " <p class=\"has-emoji\">";
if (!isEmpty(recordMap["email"]) && recordMap["email"] != "null") {
html += " <i class=\"ri-mail-line\"></i>&nbsp;<a href=\"mailto:" + recordMap["email"] + "\" rel=\"nofollow\">" + recordMap["email"] + "</a>";
html +=" <i class=\"ri-time-line am-ml-10\"></i> "+ getLabel(isZh,"search_add_by") + " ";
html += " <i class=\"ri-time-line am-ml-10\"></i> " + getLabel(isZh, "search_add_by") + " ";
html += recordMap["add_time"]
html +=" </p>";
html +=" </div>";
html +=" </div>";
html +="</div>";
html += " </p>";
html += " </div>";
html += " </div>";
html += "</div>";
document.getElementById("child_search_item").innerHTML = html;

function setIssueOrPrInnerHtml(data,path){
function setIssueOrPrInnerHtml(data, path) {
var sortHtml = "";
if(path =="issues"){
sortHtml +="<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(20) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(2,20);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_1\">"+ getLabel(isZh,"search_matched") + "</a>";
sortHtml +="<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(21) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(2,21);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_1\">"+ getLabel(isZh,"search_lasted") + "</a>";
sortHtml +="<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(60) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(6,60);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_1\">"+ getLabel(isZh,"search_matched") + "</a>";
sortHtml +="<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(61) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(6,61);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_1\">"+ getLabel(isZh,"search_lasted") + "</a>";
if (path == "issues") {
sortHtml += "<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(20) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(2,20);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_1\">" + getLabel(isZh, "search_matched") + "</a>";
sortHtml += "<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(21) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(2,21);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_1\">" + getLabel(isZh, "search_lasted") + "</a>";
} else {
sortHtml += "<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(60) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(6,60);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_1\">" + getLabel(isZh, "search_matched") + "</a>";
sortHtml += "<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(61) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(6,61);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_1\">" + getLabel(isZh, "search_lasted") + "</a>";

document.getElementById("sort_type").innerHTML = sortHtml;

var html = "";
var currentTime = new Date().getTime();
for(var i = 0; i < data.length;i++){
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var recordMap = data[i];
html += "<div class=\"item\">";
html += " <div class=\"content\">";
html += " <div class=\"ui header\">";
html += " <a class=\"name\" href=\"/" + recordMap["repoUrl"] +"/" + path + "/" + recordMap["index"] + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + recordMap["name"] + "</a>";
html +=" </div>";
html += " <a class=\"name\" href=\"/" + recordMap["repoUrl"] + "/" + path + "/" + recordMap["index"] + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + recordMap["name"] + "</a>";
html += " </div>";
html += " <div class=\"description\">";
html += " <p class=\"has-emoji\"> " + recordMap["content"] + "</p>";
html +=" <p class=\"time\">";
html +=" <i class=\"ri-code-box-line\"></i>";
html +=" <a class=\"am-text grey\" href=\"/" + recordMap["repoUrl"] +"/" + path + "/" + recordMap["index"] + "\" target=\"_blank\"> " + addBlank(recordMap["repoUrl"]) +" #" + recordMap["index"] + "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
html +=" <i class=\"ri-information-line am-ml-10\"></i>&nbsp;";
if(recordMap["is_closed"] != null && (!(recordMap["is_closed"]) || recordMap["is_closed"]=="f")){
html += getLabel(isZh,"search_open");
html += getLabel(isZh,"search_closed");
html += " <p class=\"time\">";
html += " <i class=\"ri-code-box-line\"></i>";
html += " <a class=\"am-text grey\" href=\"/" + recordMap["repoUrl"] + "/" + path + "/" + recordMap["index"] + "\" target=\"_blank\"> " + addBlank(recordMap["repoUrl"]) + " #" + recordMap["index"] + "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
html += " <i class=\"ri-information-line am-ml-10\"></i>&nbsp;";
if (recordMap["is_closed"] != null && (!(recordMap["is_closed"]) || recordMap["is_closed"] == "f")) {
html += getLabel(isZh, "search_open");
} else {
html += getLabel(isZh, "search_closed");
html +=" &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i class=\"ri-message-2-line am-ml-10\"></i>&nbsp;" + recordMap["num_comments"];
html += " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i class=\"ri-message-2-line am-ml-10\"></i>&nbsp;" + recordMap["num_comments"];

html +=" <span class=\"am-ml-10\">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;"+ getLabel(isZh,"search_lasted_update") + " "+ recordMap["updated_html"];
html += " <span class=\"am-ml-10\">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;" + getLabel(isZh, "search_lasted_update") + " " + recordMap["updated_html"];

html +=" </p>";
html +=" </div>";
html +=" </div>";
html +="</div>";
html += " </p>";
html += " </div>";
html += " </div>";
html += "</div>";
document.getElementById("child_search_item").innerHTML = html;

function addBlank(url){
if(url == null){
function addBlank(url) {
if (url == null) {
return url;
var tmps = url.split("/");
if(tmps.length == 2){
if (tmps.length == 2) {
return tmps[0] + " / " + tmps[1];
return url;

function displayIssueResult(page,jsonResult,onlyReturnNum,keyword){
function displayIssueResult(page, jsonResult, onlyReturnNum, keyword) {
var data = jsonResult.Result;
var total = jsonResult.Total;
if (!onlyReturnNum) {
$('#find_title').html(getLabel(isZh, "find_title").replace('{keyword}', keyword).replace('{tablename}', getLabel(isZh, "search_issue")).replace('{total}', total));

setIssueOrPrInnerHtml(data, "issues");

function setActivate(name){
function setActivate(name) {
if (name == null) {
var tmp = "#" + name;

function displayRepoResult(page,jsonResult,onlyReturnNum,keyword){

function LetterAvatar(name, size, color) {
name = name || '';
size = size || 60;
var colours = [
"#1abc9c", "#2ecc71", "#3498db", "#9b59b6", "#34495e", "#16a085", "#27ae60", "#2980b9", "#8e44ad", "#2c3e50",
"#f1c40f", "#e67e22", "#e74c3c", "#00bcd4", "#95a5a6", "#f39c12", "#d35400", "#c0392b", "#bdc3c7", "#7f8c8d"
nameSplit = String(name).split(' '),
initials, charIndex, colourIndex, canvas, context, dataURI;
if (nameSplit.length == 1) {
initials = nameSplit[0] ? nameSplit[0].charAt(0) : '?';
} else {
initials = nameSplit[0].charAt(0) + nameSplit[1].charAt(0);
if (w.devicePixelRatio) {
size = (size * w.devicePixelRatio);

charIndex = (initials == '?' ? 72 : initials.charCodeAt(0)) - 64;
colourIndex = charIndex % 20;
canvas = d.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = size;
canvas.height = size;
context = canvas.getContext("2d");

context.fillStyle = color ? color : colours[colourIndex - 1];
context.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
context.font = Math.round(canvas.width / 2) + "px 'Microsoft Yahei'";
context.textAlign = "center";
context.fillStyle = "#FFF";
context.fillText(initials, size / 2, size / 1.5);
dataURI = canvas.toDataURL();
canvas = null;
return dataURI;
LetterAvatar.transform = function () {
Array.prototype.forEach.call(d.querySelectorAll('img[avatar]'), function (img, name, color) {
name = img.getAttribute('avatar');
color = img.getAttribute('color');
img.src = LetterAvatar(name, img.getAttribute('width'), color);
img.setAttribute('alt', name);

function displayRepoResult(page, jsonResult, onlyReturnNum, keyword) {
var data = jsonResult.Result;
var total = jsonResult.Total;

if (!onlyReturnNum) {
// $('#keyword_desc').text(keyword);
$('#find_title').html(getLabel(isZh, "find_title").replace('{keyword}', keyword).replace('{tablename}', getLabel(isZh, "search_repo")).replace('{total}', total));

var sortHtml = "";
sortHtml +="<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(10) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(1,10);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_1\">"+ getLabel(isZh,"search_matched") + "</a>";
sortHtml +="<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(11) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(1,11);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_1\">"+ getLabel(isZh,"search_lasted") + "</a>";
sortHtml +="<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(12) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(1,12);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_1\">"+ getLabel(isZh,"search_watched") + "</a>";
sortHtml +="<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(13) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(1,13);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_1\">"+ getLabel(isZh,"search_star") + "</a>";
sortHtml +="<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(14) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(1,14);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_1\">"+ getLabel(isZh,"search_fork") + "</a>";
sortHtml += "<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(10) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(1,10);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_1\">" + getLabel(isZh, "search_matched") + "</a>";
sortHtml += "<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(11) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(1,11);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_1\">" + getLabel(isZh, "search_lasted") + "</a>";
sortHtml += "<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(12) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(1,12);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_1\">" + getLabel(isZh, "search_watched") + "</a>";
sortHtml += "<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(13) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(1,13);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_1\">" + getLabel(isZh, "search_star") + "</a>";
sortHtml += "<a class=\"" + getActiveItem(14) + "item\" href=\"javascript:searchItem(1,14);\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"menuitem\" id=\"menuitem_1\">" + getLabel(isZh, "search_fork") + "</a>";

document.getElementById("sort_type").innerHTML = sortHtml;

var html = "";
var currentTime = new Date().getTime();
for(var i = 0; i < data.length;i++){
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var recordMap = data[i];
html += "<div class=\"item\">";
html += "<img class=\"ui avatar image\" src=\"" + recordMap['avatar'] + "\">";
if (recordMap['avatar']) {
html += `<img class="ui avatar image" src="${recordMap["avatar"]}">`
} else {
html += `<img class="ui avatar image" avatar="${recordMap["owner_name"]}">`

html += " <div class=\"content\">";
html += " <div class=\"ui header\">";
html += " <a class=\"name\" href=\"/" + recordMap["owner_name"] + "/" + recordMap["real_name"] +"\" target=\"_blank\"> <span>" + recordMap["owner_name"] +"</span> <span>/</span> <strong>" + recordMap["alias"] + "</strong></a>";
html +=" <span class=\"middle text gold\"><svg class=\"svg octicon-lock\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><use xlink:href=\"#octicon-lock\" /></svg></span>";
html += " <a class=\"name\" href=\"/" + recordMap["owner_name"] + "/" + recordMap["real_name"] + "\" target=\"_blank\"> <span>" + recordMap["owner_name"] + "</span> <span>/</span> <strong>" + recordMap["alias"] + "</strong></a>";
if (recordMap["is_private"]) {
html += " <span class=\"middle text gold\"><svg class=\"svg octicon-lock\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" aria-hidden=\"true\"><use xlink:href=\"#octicon-lock\" /></svg></span>";
html +=" </div>";
html += " </div>";
html += " <div class=\"description\">";
html += " <p class=\"has-emoji\"> " + recordMap["description"] + "</p>";
html += " <div class=\"ui tags\">";
if(!isEmpty(recordMap["topics"]) && recordMap["topics"] !="null"){
for(var j = 0; j < recordMap["topics"].length;j++){
if (!isEmpty(recordMap["topics"]) && recordMap["topics"] != "null") {
for (var j = 0; j < recordMap["topics"].length; j++) {
//function searchLabel(tableName,keyword,sortBy="",ascending=false)
html +=" <a href=\"javascript:searchLabel('repository','" + recordMap["topics"][j] + "','updated_unix.keyword',false);\" ><div class=\"ui small label topic\">"+ recordMap["hightTopics"][j] + "</div></a>";
html += " <a href=\"javascript:searchLabel('repository','" + recordMap["topics"][j] + "','updated_unix.keyword',false);\" ><div class=\"ui small label topic\">" + recordMap["hightTopics"][j] + "</div></a>";
html +=" </div>";
html +=" <p class=\"time\">";
html +=" <i class=\"icon fa-eye outline\"></i>&nbsp;" + recordMap["num_watches"] + "&nbsp;&nbsp;<i class=\"icon star outline\"></i>&nbsp;" + recordMap["num_stars"] + "&nbsp;&nbsp;<i class=\"icon code branch\"></i>&nbsp;" + recordMap["num_forks"] +"&nbsp;&nbsp;";
html +="&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"+ getLabel(isZh,"search_lasted_update") + " " + recordMap["updated_html"];
html += " </div>";
html += " <p class=\"time\">";
html += " <i class=\"icon fa-eye outline\"></i>&nbsp;" + recordMap["num_watches"] + "&nbsp;&nbsp;<i class=\"icon star outline\"></i>&nbsp;" + recordMap["num_stars"] + "&nbsp;&nbsp;<i class=\"icon code branch\"></i>&nbsp;" + recordMap["num_forks"] + "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
html += "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + getLabel(isZh, "search_lasted_update") + " " + recordMap["updated_html"];
if (!isEmpty(recordMap["lang"])) {
var lang = recordMap["lang"]
var tmpLang = recordMap["lang"].split(",");
if (tmpLang.length > 0) {
lang = tmpLang[0]
var backColor = "#3572A5";
if(LanguagesColor[lang] != null){
if (LanguagesColor[lang] != null) {
backColor = LanguagesColor[lang];
html +=" <span class=\"text grey am-ml-10\"><i class=\"color-icon\" style=\"background-color: "+ backColor + "\"></i>&nbsp;" + lang + "</span>";
html += " <span class=\"text grey am-ml-10\"><i class=\"color-icon\" style=\"background-color: " + backColor + "\"></i>&nbsp;" + lang + "</span>";
html +=" </p>";
html +=" </div>";
html +=" </div>";
html +="</div>";
html += " </p>";
html += " </div>";
html += " </div>";
html += "</div>";

document.getElementById("child_search_item").innerHTML = html;

function getTime(UpdatedUnix,currentTime){
function getTime(UpdatedUnix, currentTime) {
UpdatedUnix = UpdatedUnix;
currentTime = currentTime / 1000;
var timeEscSecond = currentTime - UpdatedUnix;
if( timeEscSecond < 0){
if (timeEscSecond < 0) {
timeEscSecond = 1;
console.log("currentTime=" + currentTime + " updateUnix=" + UpdatedUnix);

var hours= Math.floor(timeEscSecond / 3600);
var hours = Math.floor(timeEscSecond / 3600);
var leave2 = Math.floor(timeEscSecond % (3600)); //计算小时数后剩余的秒数
var minutes= Math.floor(leave2 / 60);//计算相差分钟数
var minutes = Math.floor(leave2 / 60);//计算相差分钟数

var leave3=Math.floor(leave2 % 60); //计算分钟数后剩余的秒数
var seconds= leave3;
var leave3 = Math.floor(leave2 % 60); //计算分钟数后剩余的秒数
var seconds = leave3;

if(hours == 0 && minutes == 0){
return seconds + getRepoOrOrg(6,isZh);
if(hours > 0){
if(hours >= 24){
var days = Math.ceil(hours/24)
if (days >= 30 && days <365){
return Math.ceil(days/30) + getRepoOrOrg(8,isZh);
}else if(days >= 365){
return Math.ceil(days/365) + getRepoOrOrg(9,isZh);
if (hours == 0 && minutes == 0) {
return seconds + getRepoOrOrg(6, isZh);
} else {
if (hours > 0) {
if (hours >= 24) {
var days = Math.ceil(hours / 24)
if (days >= 30 && days < 365) {
return Math.ceil(days / 30) + getRepoOrOrg(8, isZh);
} else if (days >= 365) {
return Math.ceil(days / 365) + getRepoOrOrg(9, isZh);
return Math.ceil(hours/24) + getRepoOrOrg(7,isZh);
return hours + getRepoOrOrg(4,isZh);
return Math.ceil(hours / 24) + getRepoOrOrg(7, isZh);
} else {
return hours + getRepoOrOrg(4, isZh);
return minutes + getRepoOrOrg(5,isZh);
} else {
return minutes + getRepoOrOrg(5, isZh);

function getRepoOrOrg(key,isZhLang){
function getRepoOrOrg(key, isZhLang) {
if (isZhLang) {
return repoAndOrgZH[key];
} else {
return repoAndOrgEN[key];

var repoAndOrgZH={
var repoAndOrgZH = {
"1": "项目",
"2": "成员",
"3": "团队",
"4": "小时前",
"5": "分钟前",
"6": "秒前",
"7": "天前",
"8": "个月前",
"9": "年前"

var repoAndOrgEN={
"2":"Members ",
"4":" hours ago",
"5":" minutes ago",
"6":" seconds ago",
"7":" day ago",
"8":" month ago",
"9":" year ago"
var repoAndOrgEN = {
"1": "repository",
"2": "Members ",
"3": "Teams",
"4": " hours ago",
"5": " minutes ago",
"6": " seconds ago",
"7": " day ago",
"8": " month ago",
"9": " year ago"

function page(current){
function page(current) {

currentPage = current;

function nextPage(){
currentPage = currentPage+1;
console.log("currentPage=" + currentPage);
doSearch(currentSearchTableName, currentSearchKeyword, current, pageSize, false, currentSearchSortBy, OnlySearchLabel);

function nextPage() {
currentPage = currentPage + 1;

function prePage(){
console.log("currentPage=" + currentPage);
if(currentPage > 1){
currentPage = currentPage-1;
console.log("currentPage=" + (currentPage));
function prePage() {
if (currentPage > 1) {
currentPage = currentPage - 1;

function getXPosition(e){
var x=e.offsetLeft;
function getXPosition(e) {
var x = e.offsetLeft;
while (e = e.offsetParent) {
x += e.offsetLeft;
return x+20;//-260防止屏幕超出
return x + 20;//-260防止屏幕超出
function getYPosition(e){
var y=e.offsetTop;
function getYPosition(e) {
var y = e.offsetTop;
while (e = e.offsetParent) {
y += e.offsetTop;
return y+20;//80为input高度
return y + 20;//80为input高度

function goPage(event){
function goPage(event) {

var inputpage = document.getElementById("inputpage_div")
var left = getXPosition(event.target);
var top = getYPosition(event.target);
var goNum = $('#inputpage').val();
if (goNum<=0){
if (goNum <= 0) {
showTip(getLabel(isZh, "search_input_large_0"), "warning", left + 5, top);
else if(goNum<=totalPage){
else if (goNum <= totalPage) {
page(parseInt(goNum, 10));
else {
showTip(getLabel(isZh, "search_input_maxed"), "warning", left + 5, top);

function showTip(tip, type,left,top) {
function showTip(tip, type, left, top) {
var $tip = $('#tipmsg');
var tipmsg = document.getElementById("tipmsg")
var style="z-index:10024;top:" + top + "px;left:" + left + "px;position:absolute;width:200px;height:60px;vertical-align:middle;";
var style = "z-index:10024;top:" + top + "px;left:" + left + "px;position:absolute;width:200px;height:60px;vertical-align:middle;";
tipmsg.style = style;
var html ="<p>" + tip + "</p>"
var html = "<p>" + tip + "</p>"
$tip.stop(true).prop('class', 'alert alert-' + type).html(html).fadeIn(500).delay(2000).fadeOut(500);

function setPage(currentPage){
console.log("totalPage=" + totalPage);
var html ="";
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@@ -1207,106 +1234,102 @@ var LanguagesColor = {
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function getLabel(isZh,key){
function getLabel(isZh, key) {
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} else {
return esUN[key]

var zhCN={
"find_title":"“<strong class=\"highlight\" id=\"keyword_desc\">{keyword}</strong>”相关{tablename}约为{total}个",
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"search_pr":"Pull Request",
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"search_matched_download":"Most downloads",
"search_lasted_update":"Updated ",
"search_letter_desc":"Reverse alphabetically",
"search_lasted_create":"Recently created",
"search_early_create":"First created",
"search_add_by":"Joined on",
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"search_input_large_0":"Please enter a value greater than 0.",
"search_input_maxed":"Cannot exceed total pages.",
"find_title":" {total} \"<strong class=\"highlight\" id=\"keyword_desc\">{keyword}</strong>\" related {tablename}",
"search_empty":"<strong>Please enter any keyword to start the search.</strong>"
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"search": "搜索",
"search_repo": "项目",
"search_dataset": "数据集",
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"search_pr": "合并请求",
"search_user": "用户",
"search_org": "组织",
"search_finded": "找到",
"search_matched": "最佳匹配",
"search_matched_download": "下载次数",
"search_lasted_update": "最后更新于",
"search_letter_asc": "字母顺序排序",
"search_letter_desc": "字母逆序排序",
"search_lasted_create": "最近创建",
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"search_add_by": "加入于",
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"find_title": "“<strong class=\"highlight\" id=\"keyword_desc\">{keyword}</strong>”相关{tablename}约为{total}个",
"search_empty": "<strong>请输入任意关键字开始搜索。</strong>"
var esUN = {
"search": "Search",
"search_repo": "Repository",
"search_dataset": "DataSet",
"search_issue": "Issue",
"search_pr": "Pull Request",
"search_user": "User",
"search_org": "Organization",
"search_finded": "Find",
"search_matched": "Best Match",
"search_matched_download": "Most downloads",
"search_lasted_update": "Updated ",
"search_letter_asc": "Alphabetically",
"search_letter_desc": "Reverse alphabetically",
"search_lasted_create": "Recently created",
"search_early_create": "First created",
"search_add_by": "Joined on",
"search_lasted": "Recently updated",
"search_open": "Open",
"search_closed": "Closed",
"search_watched": "Watches",
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"search_fork": "Forks",
"search_input_large_0": "Please enter a value greater than 0.",
"search_input_maxed": "Cannot exceed total pages.",
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"search_go_page": "Page",
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"search_empty": "<strong>Please enter any keyword to start the search.</strong>"
document.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (document.readyState === "complete") {
var tmpSearchLabel = sessionStorage.getItem("searchLabel");
console.log("tmpSearchLabel=" + tmpSearchLabel);
console.log("search label....");
if (tmpSearchLabel) {
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var specifySearch = sessionStorage.getItem("specifySearch");
if (specifySearch) {
console.log("search sepcial keyword=...." + sessionStorage.getItem("keyword"));
document.getElementById("keyword_input").value = sessionStorage.getItem("keyword");
console.log("normal search....");
doSpcifySearch(sessionStorage.getItem("tableName"), sessionStorage.getItem("keyword"), sessionStorage.getItem("sortBy"), sessionStorage.getItem("ascending"));
} else {


+ 1
- 1
routers/search.go View File

@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ func makeRepoResult(sRes *elastic.SearchResult, Key string, OnlyReturnNum bool,
if recordSource["avatar"] != nil {
avatarstr := recordSource["avatar"].(string)
if len(avatarstr) == 0 {
record["avatar"] = setting.RepositoryAvatarFallbackImage
// record["avatar"] = setting.RepositoryAvatarFallbackImage
} else {
record["avatar"] = setting.AppSubURL + "/repo-avatars/" + avatarstr

+ 54
- 25
templates/explore/repo_list.tmpl View File

@@ -1,23 +1,28 @@
.ui.repository.list>.item {
position: relative;
border: 1px solid #E1E3E6;
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@@ -26,13 +31,16 @@
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.repository .ui.right.compact .item {
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@@ -40,20 +48,23 @@

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@@ -87,13 +108,16 @@
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@@ -113,14 +137,16 @@
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@@ -143,14 +169,17 @@
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<span class="text grey"><i class="color-icon" style="background-color: {{.PrimaryLanguage.Color}}"></i>{{ .PrimaryLanguage.Language }}</span>
<span class="text grey"><i class="color-icon"
style="background-color: {{.PrimaryLanguage.Color}}"></i>{{ .PrimaryLanguage.Language }}</span>
