#943 智算网络NPU MindSpore 2.0镜像运行问题

created 1 year ago by JeffDing · 1 comments
JeffDing commented 1 year ago
代码: ```python import mindspore as ms import mindspore.ops as ops x = ops.arange(12) print(x) ``` 会出现如下报错: ``` --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-2-e151d83f6495> in <module> ----> 1 x = ops.arange(12) 2 x ~/anaconda3/envs/MindSpore/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mindspore/ops/function/array_func.py in arange(start, end, step, dtype) 227 raise ValueError(f"For arange, the input args must be a TensorScalar," 228 f" but got start shape:{start.shape}, end shape:{end.shape}, step shape:{step.shape}") --> 229 data = P.Range()(start, end, step) 230 if dtype is not None: 231 data = cast_(data, dtype) ~/anaconda3/envs/MindSpore/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mindspore/ops/primitive.py in __call__(self, *args) 315 if should_elim: 316 return output --> 317 return _run_op(self, self.name, args) 318 319 def __getstate__(self): ~/anaconda3/envs/MindSpore/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mindspore/ops/primitive.py in _run_op(obj, op_name, args) 814 stub_type, stub = _pynative_executor.run_op_async(obj, args) 815 return _convert_stub(stub_type, stub) --> 816 return _run_op_sync(obj, op_name, args) 817 818 ~/anaconda3/envs/MindSpore/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mindspore/common/api.py in wrapper(*arg, **kwargs) 99 @wraps(fn) 100 def wrapper(*arg, **kwargs): --> 101 results = fn(*arg, **kwargs) 102 return _convert_python_data(results) 103 ~/anaconda3/envs/MindSpore/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mindspore/ops/primitive.py in _run_op_sync(obj, op_name, args) 820 def _run_op_sync(obj, op_name, args): 821 """Single op execution function in synchronous mode.""" --> 822 output = _pynative_executor.real_run_op(obj, op_name, args) 823 return output ~/anaconda3/envs/MindSpore/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mindspore/common/api.py in real_run_op(self, *args) 1012 Tensor, result of run op. 1013 """ -> 1014 return self._executor.real_run_op(*args) 1015 1016 def run_op_async(self, prim, args): RuntimeError: The node: Default/Range-op0 compute tiling failed! ---------------------------------------------------- - Ascend Error Message: ---------------------------------------------------- E89999: Inner Error, Please contact support engineer! E89999 op[Range], compile info not contain [_pattern][FUNC:AutoTilingHandlerParser][FILE:auto_tiling.cc][LINE:67] TraceBack (most recent call last): Failed to parse compile json[{"_sgt_cube_vector_core_type":"AiCore","device_id":"0"}] for op[Range, Range].[FUNC:TurnToOpParaCalculateV4][FILE:op_tiling.cc][LINE:442] (Please search "Ascend Error Message" at https://www.mindspore.cn for error code description) ---------------------------------------------------- - C++ Call Stack: (For framework developers) ---------------------------------------------------- mindspore/ccsrc/plugin/device/ascend/kernel/tbe/dynamic_tbe_kernel_mod.cc:126 Resize ``` 我在GPU平台安装的mindspre 2.0同样代码是可以出来结果的,是不是这个镜像的mindspore安装有问题?
avadesian was assigned by zeizei 1 year ago
liuzx commented 6 months ago
liuzx closed this issue 6 months ago
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